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RESOLUTION 88-36 <br />RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE PRIMARY <br />AND GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF HUGO IN 1988. <br />BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota that the following be and are hereby appointed to serve as <br />election judges for the state primary election on`.September 13. <br />., 1988, and <br />the general election on November B., 1988: <br />SEE ATTACHED LISTING <br />Upon roll call the following members voted AYE: <br />Peltier, Deane Vail, and George Atkinson <br />Upon roll call the following members voted NAY: <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1988 <br />e o rA fe.---, i n <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary Creager, Ci Clerk <br />Robert Olson, Theodora <br />1,11111121 <br />9 <br />, Mayor <br />