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RESOLUTION 88-49 <br />RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE REVIEW AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE ZONING <br />REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF HU8O CHAPTER 320 OF THE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE. <br />WHEREAS, it is the intent of the city council to update the city <br />zoning ordinance periodically in an effort to address changes in <br />development trends and practices in the City of Hugo; and <br />WHEREAS, the city is desirous of clarifying language in the ordinance; <br />WHEREAS, it is the intent to eliminate inconsistencies and simplify <br />the ordinance for review by developers, residents, the city council, and <br />city staff; and <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: <br />That the city staff, city attorney and city engineer, be and hereby are <br />directed to address the following and prepare recommendations and <br />modifications to the city zoning ordinance for review by the planning <br />commission and city council: <br />1. Change the minimum lot size in Conservancy district to ten acres. <br />2. Change the classification in Agricultural to RR3. <br />3~ Allow multiple -family housing in residential districts by special use <br />permit where sanitary sewer is available. <br />4. Allow planned unit developments in commercial, and SFU to RR -2 <br />districts by special use permit. <br />5. Expand the list of permitted uses and special uses in each zoning <br />district. <br />6. Delete gun clubs., auto dismantling yards, landfills, commercial <br />feedlots, gravel pits, race tracks, and junkyards from the special use <br />permit categories. <br />7. Allow accessory buildings between the principal building and the road <br />in conservancy, agricultural., RR2 districts if the proposed building <br />is setback at least 150 ft. from the road right-of-way. <br />8. Allow horses only in conservancy and agricultural districts as <br />permitted uses, and RR2 districts by special use permit. Allow one <br />horse for the first five acres of grmzable area and one additional <br />horse for each additional two acres or portion thereof. <br />9. Delete limited business districts from the ordinance. <br />10. Permit pole barns only in conservancy and agricultural zones as a <br />permitted use and RR2 zones by special use permit. The minimum lot <br />size for any pole barn shall be 5 acres. <br />11. Allow parking of semi -trucks and trailers in industrial zones and <br />certain commercial zones only by special use permit. <br />12. Delete references to development plan requirements for rezonings in <br />commercial districts. <br />13. Require site plan reviews by staff for filling or the creation of <br />wetland areas. <br />