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RESOLUTION 88-57 <br />RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE SUSPENSION OF LIQUOR <br />LICENSES FOR ROBERT M. RICCI <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Robert M. Ricci has been cited for numerous liquor and <br />related violations at his establishment known as Ricci Saloon & Eatery, <br />dating back to August, 1987, and <br />WHEREAS, Pursuant to Chapter 150-13, of the Municipal Code, a hearing <br />has been set for 6:30 PM, December 19, 1988, in the Hugo Municipal <br />Building, and notices have been sent to the license holder as required.. <br />and <br />WHEREAS, The law enforcement personnel representing the City of Hugo <br />has given Mr. Ricci numerous warnings of the potential hazards of <br />operating his establishment after hours, and <br />WHEREAS, the Municipal Code provides for the revocation of a liquor <br />license for willful violations of Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.07 and <br />340.40, and <br />WHEREAS, Upon a first nonw1l1ful violation of the Municipal Code, the <br />Council may suspend any license for not more than 15 days, and <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Ricci plead guilty to the charge of prohibited <br />after-hours occupancy or use of premises on July 15, 1988: <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HU8O, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA: That the on sale and off sale liquor <br />licenses of Robert M. Ricci DBA Ricci's Saloon & Eatery, 14777 Forest <br />Boulevard North, Hugo, Minnesota, <br />12:01 AM on January be suspended for 24 hours beginning at <br />, 1989 and ending 11:59 PM on January_ _2__, 1989. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any future liquor license violations as they <br />relate to City Ordinance Chapter 150 will result in a license suspension <br />for a period not exceeding 60 days. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />Voting NAY: Peltier and Potts <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared passed nd adopted t is 19th day of <br />December, 1988. <br />ATTEST: � ��~Mayor <br />ary C r e a g e r jCi t Tye rk� <br />�7 <br />