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r <br />r <br />RESOLUTION 1987-35 <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF <br />TRANSPORTATION CAUSE SPEED ZONE STUDY ON IRISH AVENUE <br />WITHIN THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 169.14, the Commissioner of <br />the Minnesota Department of Transportation has the sole authority to <br />establish speed limits on all streets in the State of Minnesota, after <br />conducting necessary engineering and traffic analysis, and <br />WHEREAS, Irish Avenue, starting at 122nd Street North to 130th <br />Street North, 130th Street North to County Road 8A, in the City of Hugo, <br />currently has an authorized speed limit of 55 mph, and <br />WHEREAS, excessive speed of automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles, <br />together with increased traffic, and the number of children and other <br />residents utilizing this street, may warrant a lower speed limit. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of <br />Hugo, that the Commissioner is hereby requested to perform the necessary <br />engineering and traffic analysis studies on Irish Avenue North, starting <br />at 122nd Street North and continuing north to 130th Street North, then <br />continuing east on 130th Street North to County Road 8A, and issue an <br />order for a reduced speed for this road. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution <br />be forwarded to the appropriate office of the Minnesota Department of <br />Transportation. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF May , 1987. <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary rCreager, City C1 <br />