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STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE <br />Mail Station 2240 <br />St. Paul, MN 55146-2240 <br />October 15, 1987 <br />Mr. Kenneth H. Huber <br />City Administrator <br />City of Hugo <br />5524 Upper 146th Street North <br />Hugo, MN 55038 <br />Dear Mr. Huber: <br />I have considered the appeal which you submitted for a payable 1988 levy limit base adjustment ' <br />for the city of Hugo, along with your letter of September 10, 1987. <br />Your city's appeal of $108,305 is based on the $709000 cost of a surface water management study <br />and the $38,305 cost of bridge and road maintenance. <br />The costs to metro area cities of developing watershed management plans is the cost of <br />complying with Laws 1982, Chapter 509. This is a recent state mandate that requires many <br />metro area cities to prepare a watershed management plan by December 319 1987. <br />The remaining item, bridge and road maintenance, is not an allowable reason for increasing your <br />city's levy limit base under the new levy limit law and the "Levy Limit Appeal Guidelines." This <br />Is not the cost of complying with a 1987 or previous year's mandate of the Minnesota Legislature <br />requiring a new program or service by 1987 or 1988, nor is it an extraordinary or emergency <br />expenditure. <br />For this reason, I am approving a reduced payable 1988 levy limit base adjustment in the amount <br />of $70,000 for the city of Hugo. <br />Enclosed is a revised payable 1988 levy limitation calculation form for the city of Hugo. The <br />$70,000 base adjustment is shown on line 9. The city's revised levy limitation of $526,581 is <br />shown on line 12. <br />A revised Form 280 for the city of Hugo is also enclosed. The new $5269581 levy limitation is <br />shown on line 4. This replaces the July 17, 1987 levy limitation certification. <br />If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me. <br />Si eere1 <br />. ,T Triplett <br />Commissioner <br />TT. -Ji <br />cc: Senator Gary Laidig <br />Representative Doug Swenson <br />AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />