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REEOLU110N 1987-60 <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CITY OF HUGO STREET LIGHTING POLICY. <br />WHEREAS, The City of Hugo provides limited street lighting to the <br />commercial, industrial, and high-density residential areas of the commu- <br />nity, and <br />WHEREAS, The city is experiencing growth followed by an increased <br />number of street lighting requests, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, That the following street -lighting policy be <br />established as a guide for additional street light installations in the <br />City of Hugo as follows: <br />1. All street lights are to be located in public areas only. <br />2. Street lighting is not to be used as security lighting. <br />3. Residential lighting is not to be installed in an area until said area <br />is substantially (75%) developed. <br />4. Street lighting may be provided at street intersections and cul-de- <br />sacs where electric service is readily available. <br />5. Street lights may be provided in mid -blocks where blocks are in 'excess <br />of 1200 feet in length. The spacing between street lights should be <br />no less than 400 feet. <br />b. Under special circumstances, street lights may be provided on sharp <br />curves in the road on through streets (major arterials) where there is <br />extensive use of the road by motor vehicles. <br />7. Street lighting luminars must use a high-pressure sodium light source <br />(85 to 125 lumens per watt) and must be the same as those used by NSP. <br />B. All street lighting is to be installed on wooden poles unless other- <br />wise specified. <br />9. The fixture height for street lighting shall be no less than 14 feet <br />and no greater than 40 feet. The recommended height for street lights <br />shall be from 15 feet to 25 feet. <br />10. Street lighting fixtures must be of a design acceptable for maint- <br />enance by NSP under the normal NSP maintenance agreement, and should <br />be installed by NSP. <br />11. The cost of fixtures and pole installation shall be borne by the <br />developer for new subdivisions. <br />