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RESOLUTION 1987-63 <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WATER SERVICE RATES. <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined that the utilities department should <br />pay costs for administration, billing, bookkeeping, insurance, and audit <br />services, and <br />WHEREA, it is necessary to implement a water rate increase to finance <br />the operation, maintenance, and improvements to the municipal water <br />system; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY The City Council of the City of Hugo, <br />Minnesota, that: <br />CITY WATER RATES SHALL BE SET AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. Municipal water service rates shall be set at $11.50 for the first <br />15,000 gallons of consumption plus 60 cents per thousand gallons for <br />each thousand gallons or part thereof over 15,000 gallons per quarter. <br />2. EFFECTIVE DATE. The utility rates established herein for use of <br />municipal water service will become effective for the utility billing <br />period ending 12/31/87, and shall continue in effect until altered by <br />resolution of the City Council or until otherwise altered or changed <br />by operation of law. <br />Upon roll, the following members voted AYE: Theodora Peltier, Robert <br />Olson, Deane Vail, George Atkinson <br />Upon roll, the following members voted NAY: NONE <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF DECEMBER , 1987. <br />G orge ins ", Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary n Creager, Ci Clerk <br />