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RESOLUTION 19-87-64 <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A REVISED TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PACKAGE. <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota's roads, bridges and transit system are integral <br />to its economic development and quality of life; <br />WHEREAS, local governments are partners with the State in <br />construction, reconstruction and maintenance of this transportation <br />system; <br />WHEREAS, the transportion funding mechanism agreed upon by the State <br />legislature in 1981 provided for a phased transfer of the motor vehicle <br />excise tax to the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund; <br />WHEREAS, this phased transfer has consistently been delayed in order <br />to help balance the State budget; <br />WHEREAS, the City of Hugo represents 4,000 Minnesota citizens who <br />support the maintenance of Minnesota's transportation system through the <br />use of the motor vehicle excise tax which they paid for that purpose; <br />therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota <br />in the name of its citizens supports the enactment of a fair and equitable <br />transportation funding package in 1988 that includes a phased transfer of <br />the MVET to the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund. <br />Upon roll the following members voted AYE: Robert Olson, Deane Vail, <br />George Atkinson <br />Upon roll the following members voted NAY: NONE <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 7TH DAY <br />OF DECEMBER , 1987. <br />Aeco) in n, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />1712, <br />Mary Creager, City lerk <br />