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RESOLUTION 1987-65 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING FISCAL POLICY <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Hugo, Washington <br />Countyo Minnesota, that the following guidelines be adopted: <br />i. The city shall operate within the scope of the annual budget. When <br />unbudgeted expenditures are authorized,, offsetting deletions from the <br />budget should be identified. <br />2. When sinking funds are closed out, the balance should be deposited in <br />other sinking funds, debt service accounts, or P.I.R. fund. <br />3. Interest from sinking fund investments should be retained in sinking <br />fund. <br />4. Retain a minimum in general government reserves equal to twice our <br />Local Government Aid. <br />5. Maintain a general government operating capital level at 30% of <br />General Fund Budget to cover first six months of operation. <br />6. Do not use special fund revenues for general government operation. <br />7. Charge the utilities department for administration, audit, insurance, <br />and related costs. <br />8. Review building permit and other related fees annually. <br />9. Certify budgeted homestead credit with ad valorem tax levy. <br />10. Provide monthly financial reports to City Council. <br />11. Provide Council with detailed line -item budget in August of each year <br />following auditor's recommended format. <br />12. Invest funds to maximize interest earnings. Give local bank an <br />opportunity to match highest interest rate. <br />13. Assess 100% of public improvment costs to benefiting property or <br />developer for new developments (exception - oversizingg water main <br />loopings, etc.). <br />14. Charge maximum interest rate permissible for unpaid assessments. <br />15. Permit city administrator to authorize expenditures up to $20000 if <br />budgeted by the Council. <br />16. All unbudgeted and budgeted expenditures, in excess of $290009 must be <br />approved by Council action identifying the source of revenue to fund <br />the expenditure. <br />