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RESOLUTION 1987-66 <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN 120TH STREET P.I. PROJECT. <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve 120th St. from Highway 61 to a point <br />approximately 1.06 miles to the east by the installation of a nine ton <br />roadway and, <br />WHEREAS, the total estimated project cost is $5309300 and, <br />WHEREAS, Ramsey County has indicated they may fund 75% of the project cost <br />with 25% being the local share, and, <br />WHEREAS, the City of Hugo has 3,251 assessable front feet of the <br />improvement consisting of approximately 30.2% of the assessable front <br />footage and, <br />WHEREAS, White Bear Township has indicated a willingness to assist the <br />City of Hugo in financing the city's share of this project and, <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has acknowledged the benefit to the City and <br />indicated a willingness to participate in this project with the <br />understanding that the city's share would be approximately $72,600, <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO, <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA THAT THE CITY WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE 120TH <br />ST. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH WHITE <br />BEAR TOWNSHIP TO PROCEED WITH THIS PROJECT IN 1988 SUBJECT TO THE <br />FOLLOWING.' <br />1. The City shall participate based on 30.2% of the local share including <br />financing costs in the amount of approximately $72,600. <br />2. Wh;.te Bear Township be directed to prepare a joint powers agreement <br />outlining the participation and financing arrangements previously <br />discussed. <br />3. The city attorney and city administrator be authorized to work out the <br />details of the joint powers agreement with the White Bear Township <br />attorney. <br />4. That participation by the City of Hugo be contingent upon Ramsey <br />County financing 75% of the project cost. <br />5. The City hold the required improvement hearings and order this project <br />when all financing commitments have been made so that the city may <br />assess all or a portion of these costs at some future date. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: Arthur Potts, Robert <br />Olson, Deane Vail, George Atkinson <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted NAY: Theodora Peltier <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBE 1987. <br />v <br />ATTEST: eor tki son, Mayor <br />Mary n Creager, Cir <br />i lark <br />