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RESOLUTION 1987-67 <br />RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE INCREASE IN CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN 1988. <br />WHEREAS, The City of Hugo has experienced a growth in population as well <br />as increase in building permits and land use changes in the last several <br />years, and <br />WHEREAS, The City continues to experience cases of building construction <br />without securing the required permits, and <br />WHEREAS, The City has continued to receive requests from contractors and <br />residents regarding the need for inspection services during regular city <br />hall business hours, and <br />WHEREAS, The City is unable to provide follow-up an special use permits <br />because of the limited code enforcement service availableo and <br />WHEREAS, There is an increased need for technical assistance and direct <br />daily contact with builders and developers by qualified inspectors during <br />city hall office hours, and <br />WHEREAS, Communications between part-time inspectors and city staff has <br />been limited because of the difference in work hours and access to city <br />records, and <br />WHEREAS, The Hugo Planning Commission has repeatedly indicated its concern <br />for needed follow-up on land use decisions to assure compliance with <br />commission and council approvals, and <br />WHEREAS, The city has budgeted funds for an increase in code enforcement <br />services during the 1988 fiscal year; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hugo, <br />Washington County, Minnesota, that a code enforcement/building inspector <br />position is hereby established and the City Administrator be directed to <br />proceed as follows: <br />1. Contact the city building inspector to discuss his interest in <br />providing code enforcement services to the City of Hugo based on a <br />schedule that would include normal city hall business hours. <br />2. Prepare advertisement for publication requesting applications for a <br />full-time code enforcement position with the City of Hugo based on the <br />approved job description for said position. <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted AYE: Arthur Potts, Robert <br />Olson, Deane Vail, George Atkinson <br />Upon roll call, the following members voted NAY: Theodora Peltier <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 21ST DAY OF DEC ER, i e7. <br />eor kiAsonq Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary Creager, City <br />Clerk <br />