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WHEREAS, supplemental funding will be sought to reduce the costs <br />to be borne by the participating communities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />1. The City of Hugo hereby authorizes a contribution of $215 on <br />or before January 1, 1986 for the purpose of offering the Lutheran <br />Social Service Share -A -Home program on a full-time basis to our <br />residents for 1986. <br />2. The city clerk is hereby directed to submit this resolution <br />of intent to participate on or before July 26, 1985 to the Older Adult <br />Home -Share Task Force, c/o Department of Community Development, 1902 <br />East County Road B, Maplewood, Minnesota 55109 on or before July 26, <br />1985. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 1st DAY OF July 1985. <br />r <br />J. Michael McAllister, Mayan <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary r <br />eager, City Cl <br />