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1984.03.05 RESO 1984-0002
City Council
City Council Resolutions
1984 CC Resolutions
1984.03.05 RESO 1984-0002
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10/26/2017 2:03:27 PM
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1/15/2015 2:15:58 PM
City Council
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c-� <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1984- 2 <br />A RESOLUTION CONCERNING SETTLEMENT OF A DISPUTE BETWEEN NOS <br />STATES POWER COMPANY AND THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />1. WHEREAS, Northern States Power Canpany has constructed electrical <br />transmission structures as a part of its transmission system on and over <br />land in The City of Hugo (HOOD) in the Vicinity of the north -south line be- <br />tween Sections One (1) and Two (2), Township 31, Range 21, in Washington <br />County, Minnesota; and <br />2. MMT -.AS, a portion of said transmission system was constructed within <br />the boundaries of a portion of a road right-of-way established June 10, 1899, <br />being four (4) rods wide, and the centerline being described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the quarter post at the NW <br />Corner of the South West Quarter of <br />Section 12, Township 31, Range 21W, and <br />running North on the Section line between <br />Sections 11 and 12, and 1 .and 2 as near as <br />practibable one and one-half (1k) miles <br />more or less to the N.W. corner of Section <br />One (1) and intersecting with the Town Line <br />Road between the towns of Oneka and Forest Lake, <br />and there terminating. <br />3. WHEREAS, Hugo has consistently contended that said road right- <br />of-way had been opened and improved and maintained by Oneka Township, and util- <br />ized by the public as a public roadway for a long period thereafter; and <br />4. WHEREAS, all rights and interests in property of Oneka Township be- <br />came vested in HUGO at the time of consolidation of Oneka Township and the <br />Village of Hugo; and <br />5. WHEREAS, the public roadway had not been used or maintained for some <br />time prior to construction by NSP, and was believed in good faith by NSP to <br />have ceased to exist as a public roadway right-of-way; and <br />6. WHEREAS, HUGO contends that neither HUGO nor its predecessor Oneka <br />Township, had ever abandoned, vacated, or otherwise conveyed said right-of- <br />way, and has asserted that all structures blocking cr inpeding the use of said <br />right-of-way as a roadway should be removed; and <br />7. WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to resolve the dispute concerning <br />said right-of-way and establish a basis for NSP to utilize permanently a <br />portion of said right -of --way as a part of its electrical transmission <br />system; and <br />8. Wim, NSP and HUGO have achieved a mutually acceptable settlement <br />agreement, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hugo enter into the settlement <br />agreement with Northern States Power Company attached hereto; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and are authorized <br />and directed to execute the settlement agreement on behalf of the City of Hugo. <br />
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