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RESOLUTION 1984- <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BOUNTY ON POCKET GOPHERS <br />CAPTURED IN THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA. <br />The City Council of the City of Hugo, Minnesota, determines that: <br />11HEREAS, it has been determined that a bounty system is an <br />effective aid in the control of pocket gophers, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED, that a bounty on pocket gophers <br />captured in the City of Hugo, Minnesota, be established and paid as <br />follows: <br />BOUNTY FUND. The City Council shall advance the sum of <br />$75.00 to be disbursed by the Clerk's Office in accordance with the <br />provisions of this Resolution. When the bounty fund is depleted to <br />a balance of $10.00 or less, the Clerk shall request additional <br />bounty funds as may appear to be reasonably necessary for the balance <br />of the bounty period, as hereinafter defined. <br />BOUNTY PERIOD. The bounty shall be paid as herein defined <br />for pocket gophers captured after June 15 and prior to December 1, <br />1984. <br />BOUNTY. A bounty of-zS.� shall be paid to any one surren- <br />dering the two front feet of any pocket gopher captured in the City <br />of Hugo, Minnesota, and surrendered during the bounty period as <br />hereinafter defined. <br />BOUNTY RECORD. The Clerk shall prepare a record of each <br />bounty transaction. The record shall contain at least the name and <br />address of the bounty recipient, the date of the transaction, and <br />the number of pocket gophers for which bounty payment was made, and <br />the total amount of bounty paid. <br />BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNTING. At the next regular meeting of the <br />City Council following December 1, the Clerk shall provide a written <br />summary of bounty transactions occurring during the bounty period, <br />and shall therewith refund the balance of the bounty fund to the <br />City of Hugo. <br />RESOLUTION REVIEW. This Resolution shall be reviewed on or <br />before the annual budget meeting for the City of Hugo, for purposes <br />of determining whether a budget item will be included for the payment <br />of gopher bounties for the next year. This resolution shall either <br />be renewed for the next year or shall terminate automatically on Dec- <br />ember 31, 1984. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS/V4 DAY OF, 1984. <br />A TEST+: <br />Mary Creager, Clyk <br />13.r2MAchaelMcAllister,, Mayor <br />