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RESOLUTION 1984- 6 <br />JOB DESCRIPTION - CITY INSPECTORS <br />A. RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURES <br />1. The inspector is to issue the permits and perform the inspections <br />as set forth in the Hugo City Code. <br />2. The inspector who is to do the final septic inspection will issue <br />said permit. <br />3. Permits are to be issued no more than five (5) working days from <br />the date at which a complete application is received by the City. <br />If this time frame cannot be net, the City is to be provided <br />written notification of the reason for the delay. <br />4. The inspector will "red tag" any construction which is not <br />adhering to the City Code. <br />5. If the inspector is unavailable, the Clerk or the Mayor will have <br />the authority to call another certified inspector. <br />6. Inspections, that are requested by the Council, will be performed <br />within five (5) working days. <br />7. The inspector is to check at City Hall, at least twice a week, for <br />matters that need his attention. <br />8. The inspector will conduct himself in a positive and professional <br />manner. He will avail himself to the public to answer their questions <br />concerning buildings and construction. <br />9. No construction will begin until the applicant/contractor has the <br />Building Permit in his possession. The inspector shall not give <br />verbal permission to start construction. <br />10. Failure to perform in accordance with the responsibilities and pro- <br />cedures as described, can be grounds for disciplinary action or <br />dismissal. Any action would be determined by the City Council, and <br />require a majority vote of said body. <br />B. RATE OF COMPENSATION <br />1. Certified inspector will receive 85% of the permit fees. <br />2. The inspector will be paid on a quarterly basis. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF June , 1984. <br />/ 2 z ":: t Ll " -? ",oz, �, <br />Michael McAllister, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary A,�reager, City ClEY <br />City u Hugo <br />