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4 RECD JUN 14 19R? <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1977-6 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR THE VACATION OF DESCRIBED HIGHWAY <br />EASEMENT. <br />WHEREAS, a -highway easement was conveyed by Lars R. Danielson, <br />owner, thereof, to Washington County, Minnesota, for and in consi- <br />deration of one dollar ($1.00) on September 16, 1966, and is recorded <br />in Book 292 Deeds, Page 596; and <br />WHEREAS, the Washington County Board of Commissioners, <br />pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 163.11, did on October 18, 19769 <br />resolve to revoke this highway easement and turn it over to the City <br />of Hugo; and <br />WHEREAS, there are no telephone, gas, electric, water, or <br />sewer services or structures now existing within said easement; and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the public to vacate <br />a part of s&id easement; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Hugo, <br />Minnesota, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 412.851, vacate the highway <br />easement described as follows, to wit: the Eastern one-half (E;'LF) <br />of the North thirty-three (33) feet of the North half of the Southeast <br />Quarter (NJ of SE4), Section 27, Township 31, Range 21, Oneka Township, <br />Washington County, Minnesota. <br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF MAY, 1977. <br />MAYOR <br />ATTEST I , <br />CITY CLERK <br />t; <br />