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2521 (4/77) <br />RES 0 L U T ION 1977-20 <br />At a (regular) (special) meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />Hugo duly held on the 21 day of Nov. . 19 77 <br />the following Resolution was offered by Marvin LaValle p Mayor <br />, seconded by Daniel Spitzer Council At barge <br />. to -wit: <br />WHEREAS the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation has <br />prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway <br />Number <br />61 <br />renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 1 within <br />the corporate limits of the City of Hugo from the 165th St . <br />to 1600 feet North and <br />WHEREAS said preliminery plans are on file in the Office of the <br /> Department of Transportation, Saint Paul. Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and <br />identified as Layout No. 1, S.P. 8206-20, and 8206-21 <br />and <br />(Junkyard Screening) <br />WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, and <br />identified are also on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and <br />WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in <br />the bodv of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, <br />and to incorporate the preliminary plans as in.the foregoing recitals <br />particularly identified and described; <br />NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the <br />improvement of Trunk Highway Number 61 renumbered Trunk Highway Number <br />61 within the limits of the City of Hugo , <br /> approved. <br />