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Mn/DOT 2523 (4-77) <br />NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of <br />T : Highway No. 1 , renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 61 , within the corporate limits <br />of the City of Hugo , be and hereby are approved. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hugo does hereby agree to require <br />the parking of all vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of said <br />City, on said Trunk Highway No. 1 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. 61 , will be parallel <br />with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks on all public <br />streets intersecting said trunk highway. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and special <br />provisions are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade <br />occasioned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. 1 , renumbered Trunk Highway No. <br />61 , in accordance with said plans and special provisions. <br />Upon the call of the roll, the following councilman voted in favor of the <br />solution: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />and, the following <br />None <br />councilman <br />voted against the adoption of the Resolution: <br />whereupon the mayor and/or the presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted. <br />Dated: <br />March 6 , 19 78 127 G(L A �t� t <br />Mayor , <br />Attest N <br />City Clerk <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br />COUNTY OF Washington ) ss. <br />CITY OF Hugo ) <br />I do hereby certify that at a (regular)(special) meeting (of which due and legal notice was <br />given) of the City Council of the City of Hugo Minnesota, on the bth <br />day of March , 19 78 ; at which a majority of the members of said <br />Council were present, the foregoing Resolution was adopted. <br />