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RESOLUTION 1978-28 <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABILSHING A BOUNTY ON POCKET GOPHERS CAPTURED IN <br />THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA, AND AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF <br />A BOUNTY PAYMASTER FOR RECEIVING CLAIMS AND PAYING BOUNTIES ON <br />POCKET GOPHERS, AND ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR THE BOUNTY PAY <br />MASTER. <br />The City Council of the City of Hugo, Minnesota, <br />determines that: <br />WHEREAS, pocket gophers constitute a nuisance, and are <br />detrimental to agriculture, and they are harmful to the public <br />safety and welfare in the City of Hugo; and <br />WHEREAS, it has been deemed desirable to control the <br />number of pocket gophers within the City of Hugo; and <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined that a bounty system is <br />an effective aid in the control of pocket gophers. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a bounty on pocket <br />gophers captured in the City of Hugo, Minnesota, be established and <br />paid as follows: <br />SECTION 1. BOUNTY PAYMASTER. The office of Bounty <br />Paymaster is established to administer the provisions of this <br />Resolution; and the Mayor shall forwith appoint a resident of the <br />City of Hugo, Minnesota, as Bounty Paymaster, said appointment being <br />subject to approval of the City Council. <br />SECTION 2. BOUNTY FUND. Upon appointment and qualification <br />of a Bounty Paymaster, as herein provided, the City Council <br />shall authorize the City Treasurer to advance the sum of $100.00 to <br />the Bounty Paymaster to be disbursed by the Bounty Paymaster in <br />accordance with the provisions of this resolution. When the bounty fund <br />depleted to a balance of $10.00 or less, the Bounty Paymaster shall <br />make report to the City Coun6il, together with request for additional <br />Bounty Funds as may appear to reasonable be necessary for the balance <br />of the Bounty period, as hereinafter defined. <br />SECTION 3. BOUNTY PERIOD. The Bounty shall be paid as <br />herein defined, for pocket gophers captured and surrendered to the <br />Bounty Paymaster after June 15 and prior to December 1, 1977. <br />SECTION 4. BOUNTY. A Bounty of 25¢ Mhall be paid by the <br />Bounty Paymaster to anyone surrendering the two front feet of any <br />pocket gopher captured iii the City of Hugo, Minnesota, and surrendered <br />during the Bounty period as hereinafter defined.. <br />