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Council meeting of February 5, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Otkin presented Council with an overview of past audits completed by five different accounting firms, <br />all of which have declared the City books to be in compliance with State Statute auditing guidelines. <br />Jason Miller, principal from the City's auditor Smith Schafer, stated that the City's books have been <br />audited according to legal requirements and stated that City books are in order and in compliance with <br />State Statute auditing guidelines. Kevin Church addressed Council outlining five reasons why he signed <br />the petition letter. Victoria Hoffbeck and Mike McAllister, also signers of the petition letter, addressed <br />Council but failed to identify any reason why the City should request a state audit. Resident Steve Heinz <br />stated that he did not want taxpayers dollars spent on another audit without a legitimate reason. <br />Haas made motion to table the issue for a request of a state audit until specific issues are provided. <br />Attorney Dave Snyder recommended Council take action on the request stating the matter could be <br />reopened at a later time. <br />Motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to deny the petition letter request to move forward with a state <br />audit and expend taxpayer dollars due to a lack of any specific reason. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, that Council can reconsider the matter upon receipt of specific <br />information. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to schedule a workshop for future financial planning <br />with respect to trends as outlined in the memo from Kevin Church, and notify petition letter signers once <br />a date and time has been determined. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Date Change to February 20, 2007 for Second Council Meeting Due to Federal Holiday <br />(President's Day) <br />Approve Bridge Bond Request to MnDOT for Bald Eagle Lake Outlet <br />Approve Rescheduling Public Hearing to April 2, 2007 for TIF District <br />Approve Satisfactory Completion of Probationary Period and Appointment to Regular <br />Employee Status for Public Works Worker Jeff Maas <br />Approve Acquisition of Easements for 12Vh Street Public Improvement Project <br />Approve Resignation of Administrative Intern Matt Stemwedel <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />