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2007.02.20 CC Mintues - Joint EDA
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.02.20 CC Mintues - Joint EDA
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City Council meeting of February 20, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Bryan stated that the parking will have to be worked on at a later time and needs to be figured out <br />before we get too involved in the process. The issue today is the ordinance change. <br />Denaway stated that a restaurant that does not serve alcohol would be a good fit and the surrounding <br />zoning is residential service. <br />Granger agreed that it would be a good fit but the parking is a big issue. He also asked about the odor <br />from the restaurant to the daycare center and the surrounding properties. Deanna stated that the owners <br />of Tasty Asia have talked about that and will make sure that the ventilation equipment will reflect this <br />issue. <br />Arcand stated she is hopeful for a restaurant in Hugo. <br />Klein agreed that it is a good fit, but parking is an issue that he thinks can be worked out between the <br />owners and the City. <br />Granger made a motion, seconded by Klein, to recommend that Council authorize staff to draft an <br />ordinance amendment to allow a restaurant use in the Residential Service Zoning District. <br />Granger made a motion, seconded by Klein, to amend the first motion to include that the City Council <br />look at other options that were outline in the staff report as examples of solutions. <br />Miron stated that the council has reviewed the other options at this meeting and that this one does <br />seem to be the best option. <br />All nays. Amendment failed. <br />Klein made a motion, seconded by Granger, to recommend that Council authorize staff to draft an <br />ordinance amendment to allow a restaurant use in the Residential Service Zoning District. <br />All ayes. Motion Carried. <br />REVIEW OF TIF POLICY AND PLAN <br />Paul Steinman and Mikaela Huot were at the meeting and presented the TIF policy and plan to the <br />City Council and EDA. They requested input from the EDA and Council on the policy and plan for <br />finalization of the documents. Staff attached the TIF policy and plan for the City Council and FDA's <br />review. <br />Haas asked about the public improvements and whether districts revenues pay for them. Paul Steinman <br />stated that some would be paid with it and some would not. Each project will be reviewed individually <br />to see if it is needed. Petryk asked if improvements were to happen on Highway 61 could TIF revenues <br />be used. Paul Steinman stated that it could be used. <br />Haas asked why the policy requires projects to increase the taxable value three -fold. Paul Steinman <br />stated that this is a way to make sure that projects are up to the City's expectations. CD Director stated <br />
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