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City Council meeting of Mach 19, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Hugo City Hall team. Debi's cross training allows her to process building permits, deliver front counter <br />customer service, perform receptionist duties, and work with the finance director on accounts payable, as <br />well as work with public works, community development, and the City Administrator. Debi is <br />conscientious and thorough and has an excellent attitude. Building official John Benson recommended <br />Council approve the annual performance review for Debi Close. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the annual performance review for Building Department Receptionist Debi Close. <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDAITON FROM EDA TO SPONSOR APRIL 22.2007 HUGO KIDZ <br />`N BIZ FEST <br />Council Member Puleo requested this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. On <br />April 22, 2007, the 3rd annual Kidz `n Biz Fest will take place at the Oneka Elementary School. This <br />annual event is an opportunity for the Hugo Business Association and the Hugo EDA to integrate with <br />Hugo families and children in a PTA carnival atmosphere. The event has grown so big that it was <br />necessary to move it to the super -sized gymnasium at the school. This event is expected to attract more <br />than 400 Hugo children and their families, and will once again feature the chocolate chip cookie contest, <br />as well as an assortment of carnival games presented by Hugo businesses with assistance from the WBL <br />High School Student Ambassadors Club and National Honor Society. At its March 19, 2007 meeting, <br />the EDA agreed to recommend a co-sponsorship of the event in the amount of $500. Council Member <br />Puleo asked the Assistant City Attorney to comment on the appropriateness of the City to continue co- <br />sponsoring the event. Assistant City Attorney Nick Vivian explained the function of the EDA and that <br />the expenditure of public funds was appropriate and not out of character. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded to approve the recommendation from the EDA to co-sponsor the <br />April 22, 2007 Kidz `n Biz Fest in the amount of $500. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON TERRY MILLER LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY AND APPEAL TO MINNESOTA <br />SUPREME COURT <br />City staff had received notification from LMCIT attorney Jim Thompson that Terry Miller, aka Oneka <br />Development, has appealed his unsuccessful lawsuit against the City to the Minnesota Supreme Court. <br />This appeal was forwarded to the City by Mr. Miller's attorney, Jerry Duffy, who has requested that the <br />Minnesota Supreme Court view the lower court's ruling, which ruled in favor of the City of Hugo in <br />regard to the applicant's request for a comprehensive plan amendment. Assistant City Attorney Nick <br />Vivian explained the Supreme Court reviewed petitions and needed a novel legal issue prior to accepting <br />a case for review. It was Vivian's opinion that it was unlikely the court would accept this case for <br />review, and he would keep the Council informed on the progress of the appeal. <br />UPDATE ON MARCH 15.2007 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING WITH OAKSHORE PARK <br />At its March 5, 2007 meeting, City Engineer Jay Kennedy informed Council that staff would be holding <br />another neighborhood meeting with residents from the Oakshore Park neighborhood regarding the public <br />improvement project slated for the neighborhood in spring 2007. A meeting was held on Thursday, <br />