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City Council meeting of April 2, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT OF BID FOR 2007 SEAL COATING AND CRACK FILLING <br />Each year, the City of Hugo seal coats and crack fills a portion of its bituminous roads. The City has <br />been following a six-year seal coating and crack filling plan for all of its bituminous roads that qualify <br />for this level of maintenance. Staff sought authorization from Council to advertise for the 2007 seal <br />coating and crack filling project. Bids would then be awarded in May 2007 and work would take place <br />during June and July. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized advertisement of bid for 2007 seal <br />coating and crack filling project. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT OF BID FOR 2007 GRAVELING CONTRACT <br />Each year, the City of Hugo re -gravels a portion of its gravel roads. Staff sought authorization from <br />Council to advertise for the 2007 graveling project. Bids would then be awarded in May 2007 and work <br />would take place during the month of July. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized advertisement <br />of bid for 2007 graveling project. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF 2008 TADEM PLOW TRUCK FOR PUBLIC WORK DEPT. <br />Included in its 2007 City budget, Council approved the purchase of a single axle and a tandem plow <br />truck, which would replace the original 1994/1995 Washington County Highway Department plow <br />trucks purchased by the City in 2002. Council approved the purchase of the single -axle truck in January <br />2007. PW Director Chris Petree reviewed the purchase of the tandem axle truck with Council member <br />Mike Granger. The City would purchase the truck through the State of Minnesota Cooperative <br />Purchasing Venture (CPV) allowing the City the opportunity to purchase the truck at the best possible <br />price. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the 2008 tandem plow truck for the <br />public works department with a total cost of $142,815. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION LETTER OF CREDIT FOR WATERS EDGE SOUTH <br />Pulte Homes of Minnesota, developer, requested the reduction of the letter of credit being held for the <br />newly constructed public and private improvements in the Waters Edge South 4h Addition. The City <br />would continue to hold this letter of credit, valued at 10% of the original $65,960, until one year <br />following a final acceptance of the projects by the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda reduced the <br />letter of credit being held for the Waters Edge South 4h Addition to $65,960. <br />APPROVE APRIL 19.2007 I-35 W/E COALITION MEETING DATE <br />On January 18, 2007, the City of Hugo hosted the I-35 W/E Coalition meeting and members agreed to <br />select April 19, 2007 as its next regularly scheduled meeting date. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the April 19, 2007 I-35 W/E Coalition meeting, which will be hosted again at the Hugo City <br />Hall. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR RON OTKIN <br />Ron Otkin was hired by the City on April 3, 1989 as the City's new finance director. Over the past 18 <br />