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City Council meeting of April 2, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing to take any all public comment on the proposed TIF district <br />after which the hearing will be closed and Council discussion will take place. <br />Jess Roush, 4776 126d' Street, questioned the transfer of two parcels into the new district; zoning <br />changes; tax increase for park maintenance; feared use of eminent domain; and administrative costs <br />lining pockets of employees/consultants. <br />Ray Zietlow, 6115 146d' Street, asked if Ricci's was included in the TIF district. <br />Grace LaValle-Schostag, 5361 145h Street, was concerned that the City would use eminent domain to <br />obtain her residence. <br />Mike McAllister, 13829 Isleton, stated his opposition to the TIF and Downtown Plans; no "teeth" in <br />eminent domain legislation; and asked that Council approve a resolution stating that they would not use <br />eminent domain to obtain property. <br />Paul Kelliher, 7029 20d' Street, Centerville, developer of property in Hugo, stated his positive business <br />dealings with <br />City staff and they the City was moving in the right direction with the TIF District. <br />Vickie Hoffbeck, 8110 120d' Street, stated that because TIF is so complicated that it is a matter of <br />"trust"; developers would be able to "line their pockets"; and money can be diverted to other funds. <br />Clyde Wagner, 8650 136"' Street, felt that TIF would have negative impact on taxes; people need more <br />education on TIF using smaller, less intimidating forums; concerned with additional costs due to the <br />need of infrastructure; already have business district along CR8; take additional time to make decision; <br />and let City residents make decision. <br />Joe Canine, 16355 Elmcrest Avenue, spoke a little about TIF and then spoke out on a conspiracy issue. <br />Dr. Bill Barrett, 5673 147"' Street, stated that the "common thread" in all the previous meetings <br />regarding the downtown plan was the need to create a downtown area; and TIF is a good strategy to <br />accomplish this goal. <br />John Schwieters, Schwieters Companies in the BEIP, strongly encouraged Council to proceed with the <br />TIF district, explaining how it was possible for his business to locate in Hugo using TIF funds. <br />Janet Youel, 4749 122"d Street, expressed concern that the school district was being affected negatively <br />by the City's use of a TIF district. <br />Elizabeth Herman, 6189 165"' Street, spoke about a variety of concerns about the use of TIF. <br />Wendy Maxwell, 9674 152"d Street, did not support the TIF district; public is not informed about use of <br />TIF funds; and allow the free market to develop the property. <br />