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2007.05.07 CC Mintues
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.05.07 CC Mintues
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 7, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR CD DIRECTOR BRYAN BEAR <br />Bryan Bear was hired as the City's new CD Director on May 3, 2004. Bryan has worked hard and <br />become an excellent director, overseeing the day-to-day operations and meeting with developers and <br />contractors on residential and commercial projects. He exhibits excellent communication skills, while <br />being a creative and effective problem solver. Under Bryan's leadership, the CD Department has over <br />hauled its filing system, while implementing a number of successful organizational strategies to provide <br />one -stop -shopping for developers and builders. Bryan has done an outstanding job in helping to bring <br />quality development to Hugo. Bryan is well respected and recognized by the community, developers, <br />and builders throughout the community. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for CD Director Bryan Bear. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR BLDG OFFICIAL JOHN BENSON <br />John Benson was hired by the City as its building inspector on May 9, 1988. Over the past 19 years, <br />John has worked as the building inspector, and for the past several years as its building official, <br />overseeing the building department and code enforcement activities. John is thorough, committed, and <br />detail -oriented, providing excellent building inspection services for the City. Under John's leadership, <br />his department completed the TIF inspection for houses and buildings in the downtown area in 2006. <br />John has a calm demeanor in dealing with residents who contact the City about junk violations and code <br />enforcement issues. John is a loyal and valued member of the City Hall team, who has a good sense of <br />humor. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review of Building Official <br />John Benson. <br />APPROVE CONTRACT WITH FOREST LAKE YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU <br />Included in its 2007 City budget, Council budgeted for a contribution to the Forest Lake Youth Service <br />Bureau. As Council is aware, the Bureau provides services to youth at risk, and there are youth from <br />Hugo who receive services. The contract was drafted by representatives from the Bureau in an effort to <br />formalize the contribution from area cities. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the contract with <br />the Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau and the annual contribution of $5,000 from the City. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF FIVE SEASONAL PUBLIC WORKS EMPLOYEES <br />At its March 19, 2007 meeting, Council authorized staff to advertise for five seasonal public works <br />employees, who would provide routine park, building, grounds, boulevard and general maintenance. <br />The City received nearly 100 applicants for the positions and on May 3 and 4, 2007, City staff conducted <br />interviews and is pleased to recommend hiring of five seasonal employees for the public works <br />department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Amanda Arnold, Ryan Gleason, <br />Samuel Neumann, Jacalyn Peterson, and Michael Wallraff for the five vacant seasonal positions. <br />APPROVE WINE AND 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR AMERICAN ASIAN BISTRO AT 14755 <br />VICTOR HUGO BLVD. <br />Guobin Wang, Amian Inc., has applied for an On -Sale Wine, On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor, and On -Sale <br />Sunday Liquor Licenses for the 2,000 square foot restaurant he will own and operate at 14755 Victor <br />
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