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City Council meeting of May 7, 2007 <br />Page 7 <br />revise the ordinance per comments from the public workshop. The subcommittee directed staff to put <br />this item on the Council agenda for discussion on whether to move forward with the process to update <br />the proposed ordinance. After Council discussion, City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended the <br />following be considered to help the committee in their discussions: 1) is there a need for a regulating <br />ordinance — why or why not; 2) if needed, what would ordinance permit, limit, or preclude; and 3) <br />committee's recommendation for Council on further steps, if any, that would be advisable. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to accept the City Attorney's recommendation for direction to <br />the subcommittee's discussion on the proposed recreational vehicle ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON CITY STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM <br />Council has reviewed the City's street reconstruction needs in the past as part of developing the 5 -year <br />Capital Improvement Program. With the 129`h Street and Oakshore Park projects moving forward, City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update on the street reconstruction program, and discussed the next <br />steps with Council. City staff recommended that reconstruction focused on the following roads: 1) <br />Ethan Avenue not included in public improvement project; 2) Elmcrest Avenue, south of CR8; and 3) <br />148th Street/Foxhill Avenue, and Freeland Avenue (near Hugo Elementary School). Council <br />recommended that "neighborhood meetings" be held with residents impacted by the proposed <br />improvements. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to accept the City staff recommendation for reconstruction of <br />the three road locations and move forward with the improvements. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK HAAS ARRIVED AT 8:55 PM. <br />REPORT ON APRIL 26.2007 PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />AND MEETING WITH CLYDE WAGNER <br />On Thursday, April 26, 2007, the City hosted its third public meeting for work on the 2008 <br />Comprehensive Plan. The meeting was attended by 30 residents, at which discussion took place <br />regarding the proposed goals and public feedback was taken. Mayor Fran Miron discussed with citizens <br />who attended the open house representing "WeThePeople"—, regarding issues related to <br />public notification. Fran offered to meet with representatives and only one, Clyde Wagner, agreed to <br />meet with City officials regarding how the City could provide more public notification. On Monday, <br />April 30, 2007, City officials met with Clyde to discuss his thoughts regarding how the City could <br />advertise and attract more citizens in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan planning process. CD Director <br />Bryan Bear shared with Council various methods that would possibly increase resident participation in <br />the comprehensive plan discussions. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to accept staff s recommendation and implement the following <br />measures to increase citizen participation in discussions of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan: send <br />