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City Council meeting of June 4, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Variance for Construction of a Deck and Pool at 5971 Egg Lake Road (Hanson) <br />Approve Pay Request No. 4 from Keys Well Drilling for Work Completed on Well No. 5 <br />Approve Peddler's License for The Southwestern Company to Sell Educational Books <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for June 4, 2007 as presented. <br />APPROVE PUD AMENDMENT FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH VILLAGE 4TH ADDITION <br />BLUE HERON GRILL) <br />United Properties is seeking approval of a PUD amendment for a replat of the Victor Marketplace lot <br />and existing outlot to create 3 lots: one lot for the existing Victor Marketplace (Festival Foods), one lot <br />for an 8,100 -square foot restaurant called the "Blue Heron Grill", and one for a 4,910 -square foot future <br />bank. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at its May 10th meeting and recommended <br />approval of the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-25 approving the <br />PUD general plan for Victor Gardens North Village 0 Addition. <br />United Properties is seeking approval of a preliminary plat and fmal plat for a replat of the Victor <br />Marketplace lot and existing outlot to create 3 lots: one lot for the existing Victor Marketplace (Festival <br />Foods), one lot for an 8,100 -square foot restaurant called the "Blue Heron Grill" and one for a 4,910 - <br />square foot future bank. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at its May 10th meeting and <br />recommended approval of the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved adoption of <br />Resolution 2007-26 approving the preliminary plat and Resolution 2007-27 approving the final plat and <br />development agreement for Victor Gardens North Village 4& Addition. <br />APPROVE OUSIDE PATIO FOR CARPENTERS RESTAURANT FOR CONSUMPTION OF <br />ALCOHOL DURING GOOD NEIGHBOR DAYS <br />Carpenters Restaurant has made application to the City for permission to fence in a portion of the <br />parking lot for patrons to consume alcohol outside of the building. City staff has reviewed City <br />ordinance, which regulates such activity. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Carpenters <br />Restaurant to fence off an area of their parking lot and allowed for the consumption of alcohol outside <br />the restaurant during Good Neighbor Days. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO DEMOLISH HOUSE AT 14593 FOREST <br />BLVD. <br />In 2000, the City purchased the former Erickson residence after their mom, Mona, passed away. Over <br />the past seven years, the City has rented to the three Erickson children. City staff has been informed by <br />the Erickson's social workers that they will be moving to the Twin Pines Trailer Park, just north of <br />