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City Council meeting of June 4, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Puleo made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the application for an on -sale liquor license, Sunday <br />liquor license, and 2:00 am closing time for Chad Wagner d/b/a the Blue Heron Grill at 14725 Victor <br />Hugo Blvd. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PEDDLER'S LICENSE FOR SALE OF SECURITY SYSTEMS (PRO ALARM) <br />Council member Puleo requested this item be pulled from the Consent Agenda. City staff received an <br />application from Pro Alarm for a peddler's license to conduct door-to-door sales of home security <br />systems. City staff has been working with the WCSO in reviewing the application, as well a conducting <br />research of peddler activities in other communities, as required under City ordinance. City staff <br />reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Council member Puleo questioned <br />whether these license approvals were to be granted administratively. City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />felt it important that Council and residents know who will be selling door-to-door community. <br />Puled made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the peddler's license for Pro Alarm to conduct door-to- <br />door sales of home security systems. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR OAKSHORE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD P.I. PROJECT <br />As property owners in the proposed improvement neighborhood, Council members Becky Petryk and <br />Mike Granger did not participate in discussions and removed themselves from the Council dais. At its <br />May 7, 2007 meeting, Council received the bid results from City Engineer Jay Kennedy for the Oakshore <br />Park neighborhood public improvement project. Council directed staff to schedule an assessment <br />hearing prior to the award of bid for the project. Council adopted a resolution scheduling a public <br />hearing for Monday, June 4, 2007, at or after 7:00 pm, in order to take public comment from residents <br />living in the Oakshore Park neighborhood. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a PowerPoint <br />presentation outlining the project, as well as associated costs. Jay noted that the RCWD is giving <br />consideration to a $50,000 grant to help defray the cost of the project. Mayor Fran Miron opened the <br />public hearing for any and all public comment regarding the public improvement project. <br />Nick Steckhahn, 4886 126' Street, spoke on behalf of the homeowners association, and thanked the City <br />for all due consideration to make the project happen. <br />Pete Pedersen, 4826 126' Street, asked if the CIF covered over sizing of the pipes. <br />David Black, 4914 126' Street, stated that if the RCWD grant was approved, he would like to see the <br />money used to support the project. <br />Kitty Jensen, 12739 Ethan Avenue, had questions about her sprinkling system located between her house <br />and the street. <br />Jesse Roush, 4776 126' Street, felt the assessment was excessive, make sure center of road is accurate, <br />assessment prepayments should get a reduction for as they would not require bonding costs, and wanted <br />a more detailed breakdown of costs already expended towards the project. <br />Chuck Svendsen, 4771 126' Street, questioned the "quality" of the new road and requested a list of <br />potential contractors for utility hookups. <br />