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City Council meeting of June 18, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTERS ON THE HFD <br />In 2006, the Hugo Fire Department saw the retirement of three long-time members. Over the past several <br />months, the HFD has been advertising for firefighters, focusing on daytime response. Fire Chief Jim Compton is <br />pleased to report that four individuals have been interviewed and passed background investigations. Along with <br />the interview team, Fire Chief Compton is pleased to recommend the appointment of four individuals as <br />probationary firefighters on the HFD, after which their performance will be reviewed after two years. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Michael McCorkel, Denise Borglund, Anthony Angell, and <br />Michael Childs as new probationary firefighters, subject to the standard pre-employment physical examination <br />and two-year probationary period. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR UTILITY BILLING CLERK JODIE <br />GUARESCHI <br />Jodie Guareschi was hired on June 17, 2002 as one of the City's new front counter receptionists. She began her <br />work with the City five years ago as a citizen volunteer, stuffing envelopes for the utility department for Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin. For over a year, Jodie has transitioned to a new position as utility billing clerk, relinquishing <br />her front counter receptionist duties. Jodie works closely with the public works department on meter repairs, as <br />well as all meter reader reporting and/or customer service with business owners and residents. Jodie has <br />excellent customer service skills and can -do attitude, processing now more than 2,600 utility accounts. Jodie <br />also provides support staff to the Hugo Fire Department as necessary, along with special projects for the City <br />Administrator. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for utility billing c <br />Jodie Guareschi. <br />APPROVE SIX-MONTH PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR ASSOCIATE PLANNER RACHEL <br />SIMONE AND APPOINTMENT TO REGULAR EMPLOYEE STATUS <br />Rachel Simone was hired as the new community development intern in February 2006. She completed her six- <br />month internship and CD Director Bryan Bear included it in the Council's 2007 City budget a position for an <br />associate planner, of which Rachel received an appointment by Council. Council agreed to a one-year temporary <br />position funded through the 2007 calendar year, with a 6 -month review of the position in June 2007. After <br />completing her six-month probationary period, Rachel, as the new Associate Planner, has taken a heavy <br />workload, assisting in the review of applications, preparation of reports and stats support for the Planning <br />Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Economic Development Authority. She has assisted in the adoption <br />of several code amendments, the preparation of the TIF plan, and the 2008 Comprehensive plan update. Rachel <br />is a quick learner and has been an excellent addition to the City Hall team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the appointment of Rachel Simone to regular full-time employee status upon a satisfactory six-month <br />probationary period performance review. <br />APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAN, PUD GENERAL PLAN. AND REZONING FOR ONEKA SQUARE <br />At its May 24, 2007 meeting, the Hugo Planning Commission listened to a presentation from developers for the <br />Oneka Square project locate at the northeast corner of TH61 and 120'h Street. Developers Jason <br />