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City Council meeting of August 20, 2007 <br />Page 8 <br />DISCUSSION OF AUGUST 13TH COUNCIL MEETING ON REVISED OPEN SPACE <br />PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />Council held a meeting on August 13, 2007 and invited residents living in the eastern rural area of the <br />City to provide comment on the proposed revisions to the City's rural and open space preservation <br />ordinance, with a new recommended name change of open space preservation ordinance. City staff <br />mailed out more than 700 post cards to residents and Council was pleased with the over flow crowd of <br />residents and property owners living in the rural eastern area of the City. Council received comments <br />from thirty residents, who both supported the work of the task force who provided the original <br />ordinance, as well as the residents who were not supportive of the original and/or revised ordinance. <br />Council agreed to place this issue on its August 20 agenda in order to allow Council discussion on the <br />revisions made to the ordinance by the Hugo Planning Commission last month, as well as discussion on <br />whether it should be abolished or whether a moratorium should be considered. After a lengthy <br />discussion by the Mayor and Council members: <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to forward the Open Space Preservation ordinance to the <br />Planning Commission for simplification, with a maximum density of 8 lots per 40 acres, and that the <br />City begin the process of reviewing the City's planning policy through the 2008 comprehensive plan <br />discussions. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Council provided a three-month timeline for the Planning Commission to complete this directive. <br />CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FROM PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TO <br />EXPAND MEMBERSHIP <br />At its August 6, 2007 meeting, Council listened to Council member Mike Granger, who reported that the <br />City Council was very pleased with the quality of the applicants for the vacancy on the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission. He and Mayor Miron met with Commission Chair, Roger Clarke, to discuss <br />and bring forth a suggestion to expand the membership from seven to nine to allow for additional <br />residents the volunteer service. At its August 8, 2007 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission <br />agreed to recommend to Council the expansion of the commission membership from seven to nine due <br />to the temporary absence of a few of the commissioners during the calendar year. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, directing City staff to amend City ordinance that created the <br />Parks and Recreation Commission expanding the membership from seven to nine and appoint Jim <br />Taylor, Noel Schmidt, and Dave Strub as the three new members on the Hugo Parks and Recreation <br />Commission, with terms set to expire in 2008, as well new terms set by City ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CONSIDER DRAFT REVISION TO CITY DOG ORDINANCE <br />At its July 16, 2007 meeting, Council considered a request from the Parks Commission to review the <br />City's current dog ordinance regulating the handling of dogs by residents. Specifically, there were a <br />