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City Council meeting of December 17, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Appointment of Michele Lindau as City Clerk <br />Approve Resolution Certifying Delinquent Utility Accounts <br />Approve Final Acceptance of Oneka Ponds Public Improvements <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for December 17, 2007 as presented. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR RENEWAL OF 2008 ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSES AND <br />RELATED LICENSES <br />Each year, the City Clerk's office prepares application packets for businesses seeking the renewal of on - <br />sale liquor licenses and tobacco licenses. Staff has prepared the annual renewal list, which includes <br />certificates of liability insurance, payment of all required fees and taxes, and completion of application <br />materials. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved adoption of Resolution 2007-60 approving the <br />annual renewal for the 2008 on -sale liquor licenses and related licenses, subject to payment of all <br />requested fees, taxes, and certificates of liquor liability insurance. <br />APPROVE 2008 LICENSE RENEWALS FOR REFUSE HAULERS <br />The City has seven refuse haulers, who provide refuse collection and recycling services. The haulers <br />are: Maroney's Sanitation; DoAll Service; Ace Solid Waste; MN Waste Management; SRC, Inc.; <br />Gene's Disposal; and BFI Waste Services. City staff received renewal applications from all seven <br />haulers, and they have paid their annual fee of $165. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />issuance of 2008 refuse haulers licenses to: Maroney's Sanitation; DoAll Service; Ace Solid Waste; MN <br />Waste Management; SRC, Inc.; Gene's Disposal; and BFI Waste Services. <br />APPROVE RESCHEDULING OF SECOND MEETING IN JANUARY TO JANUARY 22, 2008 <br />IN OBSERVANCE OF THE DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING FEDERAL HOLIDAY <br />Each year, Council reschedules the second meeting in January to the next Tuesday to observe the Martin <br />Luther King federal holiday. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the rescheduling of the second <br />meeting in January to January 22, 2008 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King federal holiday. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #2 FROM ENCOMM MIDWEST INC FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />ON WELL HOUSE #5 <br />City staff has received pay request #2 from EnComm Midwest, Inc. for work completed to date on the <br />construction of well house #5. City Engineer Jay Kennedy and PW Director Chris Petree have reviewed <br />the pay request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed on the well house. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved pay request #2 in the amount of $80,199.47 for work completed to date on the <br />construction of well house #5. <br />