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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 1, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />integral part of the Board, and she was looking forward to working with Darin and the Food <br />Shelf. <br />Angela Libel, daughter of Jim Leroux, thanked Connexus and the Food Shelf for what she <br />described as a symbolic gesture of what type of man her father was. She said he loved his <br />community, and this is what he would have wanted to see done. <br />The Council thanked Connexus and agreed it was a great way to kick off the capital campaign. <br />They hope others will follow. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: <br />1. Approval of Claims <br />2. Approve Resolution Approving 2015 Salary and Reimbursement Levels <br />3. Approve Resignation of Tyler Scott from the Hugo Fire Department <br />4. Approve Hiring of Tom Kaspszak, Ryan Nadeau, and Denise Jones as Probationary <br />Firefighters <br />5. Approve Application for Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for St. Johns Church Raffle <br />6. Approve Purchase of 2015 Ford F 150 for the Public Works Department <br />7. Approve Property Line Adjustment for 9099 & 9139 170th Street North — Sullivan <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Resolution Approving 2015 Salary and Reimbursement Levels <br />During the 2015 budget process, the City Council indicated its desire to adjust the City's salary <br />matrix by 2% and grant step increases to employees who have not yet reached their pay grade <br />maximums. Additionally, staff has included a $0.50 per hour increase for firefighters who have <br />completed five or more years of service. These adjustments will continue to allow the City to be <br />in compliance with Pay Equity Statutes. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2014-40 SETTING 2015 SALARIES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AND <br />ESTABLISHING EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT LEVELS. <br />Approve Resignation of Tyler Scott from the Hugo Fire Department <br />Firefighter Tyler Scott of the Hugo Fire Department has submitted his letter of resignation. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the letter of resignation effective November 12, 2014. <br />