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City Council meeting of January 3, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CD INTERN <br />Andrew Gitzlaff was hired by the City as the new community development intern six months ago. Over <br />the past months, Andrew has worked on a wide variety of community development issues, including <br />staff reports to the Planning Commission, drafting and assembling the EDA agenda materials, and code <br />enforcement issues. Andy has proven to be a valuable member of the City Hall team. With his <br />internship set to expire in the first week of January 2006, Andy has been diligent in applying for jobs. <br />Staff is pleased to announce that Andrew has accepted a planner position with Landform, the City's <br />planning consultant. Adoption of the Consent Agenda publicly thanked Andrew for his dedication and <br />service to the City and further authorized staff to advertise for a new intern in the community <br />development department. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BLDG DEPT SECRETARY <br />At its December 19, 2005 meeting, Council approved the new $3.2 million dollar budget for 2006. The <br />budget included a support staff person for the building department. As Council is aware, the City <br />surpassed 10,000 in population in December, and has processed more than 800 housing building permits <br />setting an all-time record for the City. To assist the building department with the processing of building <br />permit applications, it is necessary to hire a new building department secretary. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda authorized staff to advertise for a new building department secretary. <br />APPROVE REAPPOINTMENTS TO THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />Staff met recently with members of the Historical Commission and inquired as to their interest in <br />reappointment. Staff is pleased to announce that all current members wish to be reappointed to three- <br />year terms with the respective staggered terms. Adoption of the Consent Agenda reappointed Grace <br />Waugh, Pam Videen, Kitty Cheesebrow, Vi Maslowski, and Cynthia Schoonover to the Historical <br />Commission for the terms therein listed. <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF MARVELLA GAMBONI TO HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />At a recent meeting with Historical Commission members, staff was pleased to have the attendance of <br />long-time Hugo resident, Marvella Gamboni, who is assisting staff in the development of the distribution <br />policy for the Hugo Rolling Walkers. Commission members encouraged Marvella to apply for the <br />current vacancy and she agreed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed Marvella Gamboni to a <br />three-year term on the Historical Commission and wished her will in her service to the community. <br />APPROVE VARLANCE FOR SIDE YARD SETBACK IN PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />(ATKINSON) <br />The City received an application from Dean Atkinson for approval of a 10' side yard setback for his <br />property in the Peloquin Industrial Park, where a 40' setback is required by City code. At its December <br />22, 2005 meeting, the Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals considered the application and <br />unanimously recommended its approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for a <br />side yard setback for Dean Atkinson in the Peloquin Industrial Park. <br />