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City Council meeting of January 17, 2006 <br />Page 5 <br />Erickson from AMM presented Council with an overview of the topic outlining LMC's proposal to <br />legislators and encouraged Council to contact legislators with their concerns and ideas. No formal <br />Council action was taken. <br />2005 YEAR IN REVIEW <br />Each year, City staff presents Council with a year -in -review highlighting accomplishments of Council <br />with regard to City goals. City Administrator Mike Ericson will present Council with a PowerPoint <br />presentation, including City accomplishments, recap of staff achievements, and conclude with a <br />presentation by CD Director Bryan Bear of the City's record setting 2005 building report. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this issue until the Council meeting of February 6, 2006. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JANUARY 16, 2006 INTERVIEWS FOR EDA/PARKS COMMISSION VACANCIES <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson announced that Council completed its interviews of candidates for the <br />EDA and Parks and Recreation Commission and provided him the ballots, which were revealed publicly <br />on January 7, 2006. <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to appoint Tom Denaway to the Economic Development <br />Authority and Rachel Berger to the Parks Commission. Council thanked the other candidates for <br />applying. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />JANUARY 18, 2006 OPEN HOUSE ON DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT <br />City staff publicly announced and invited all residents to attend an open house at Hugo City Hall on <br />Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 7:00 pm, for a presentation of the City's redevelopment project, market <br />study as prepared by Maxfield Research, and tax increment financing information from Springsted, Inc., <br />the City's financial advisor. No formal Council action was taken. <br />JANUARY 6, 2006 LAWSUIT HEARING WITH JUDGE CASS <br />On Friday, January 6, 2006, City Attorney Dave Snyder represented the City of Hugo at a hearing with <br />Judge Cass regarding the request of private property owners to intervene in the DNR lawsuit against the <br />RCWD and the City of Hugo. As of this date, Judge Cass had not made a ruling. No formal Council <br />was taken. <br />HUGO PTA FIRST ANNUAL GOLD PLATE DINNER <br />The Hugo Elementary School Parent Teacher Association's (PTA) first annual gold plate dinner will be <br />held on Friday, January 27, 2006, at the Hugo American Legion. This major fund raiser will be used by <br />