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MINUTES FOR THE COUNCIL GOALSETTING SESSION OF JANUARY 19 2006 <br />Mayor Fran Miron called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. <br />PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson ; CD Director Bryan Bear; PW Director Chris Petree; Fire Chief <br />Jim Compton; Assistant Chief Jadon 011ila; and Planning Commission Chair Dave Schumann <br />REVIEW OF 2005 CITY GOALS <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson reviewed with Council the status of the 2005 City goals. <br />Approximately 75% were completed with the hard work of Council and City staff. The remaining <br />goals will be carried over to 2006. <br />REVIEW OF 2006 PLANNING COMMISSION GOALS <br />CD Director Bryan Bear reviewed with Council the proposed 2006 Planning Commission goals from <br />the goal setting session held in December 2005. 2005 was a very busy year for the community <br />development department. <br />REVIEW OF 2006 PARKS COMMISSION GOALS <br />PW Director Chris Petree reviewed with Council the proposed 2006 Parks and Recreation <br />Commission goals from the goal setting session held in December 2005. 2005 was a busy year for <br />the public works department and its work on parks. <br />FINAL SELECTION OF 2006 CITY GOALS <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson and CD Director Bryan Bear carried over the 2005 goals that were <br />not completed, and Council offered a number of ideas and projects for 2006. Fire Chief Jim <br />Compton offered the four goals of the Hugo Fire Department for 2006, which included: 1) basic life <br />support ambulance service; 2) purchase of 4x4 grass fire truck and chief s vehicle; 3) daytime help <br />and full-time chief; and 4) full-time fire marshal. Council thanked the Chief and Assistant Chief for <br />attending the session. <br />Bryan used the laptop computer to add the new suggested goals to the list, which was viewed by <br />everyone on the big screens. Council grouped the goals into categories for an easier focus, with a <br />revision to the Council's on-going priorities, as well. <br />After final discussion, Council agreed on the final list of 2006 City goals. Staff was directed to <br />prepare a final draft of the list for formal public approval at the next regular meeting on February 6, <br />2006. <br />2006 Focus Goals <br />1. Public Safety Goals <br />a. BLS ambulance service <br />b. Long-range Fire Department employment and facility needs <br />c. Review charges for medical calls <br />