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City Council meeting of March 6, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />a legal opinion provided by the City Attorney Dave Snyder. <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the EDA recommendation and co-sponsor 2006 Hugo <br />Kidz `n Biz Fest in the amount of $500, contingent on a legal opinion of approval by the City Attorney. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF DONATION TO HUGO SENIOR CITIZENS AND CREATION OF HUGO <br />SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB <br />Over the past several months, City staff has met with Hugo senior citizens to prepare the draft City <br />distribution policy for Hugo Rolling Walkers and also to discuss the $500 donation made to the Hugo <br />seniors by the Hugo Rolling Walker Company. Realizing the need to create a community awareness of <br />the Hugo senior citizens, staff suggested the senior citizens consideration creation of a formal Hugo <br />Senior Citizens Club in order to allow the City to partner with Hugo senior citizens in order to attract <br />more members, provide any staff assistance to the club, channel charitable donations to the club, and <br />assist in its role as a service club in the City. Staff has worked with long-time treasurer Vi Maslowski to <br />open an account at Lake Area Bank for the Hugo senior citizens, in which the $500 donation would be <br />deposited. City Administrator Mike Ericson, along with Vi Maslowski and Marvella Gamboni of the <br />Hugo senior citizens, presented the creation of a formal City -recognized Hugo senior citizens club, and <br />advertise creation of the club on the City's website and in the City Newsletter. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, that the City of Hugo recognizes the Hugo Senior Citizens Club <br />and direct City staff to work with the club as needed. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR DEDICATED MOTOR VEHICLE <br />SALES TAX <br />The Association of Metropolitan Municipalities invited member cities to approve a resolution of support for <br />a constitutional amendment, which would allow the dedication of all motor vehicle sales tax monies for <br />public streets and roads in the State of Minnesota. Specifically, only 55% of the tax is allocated towards <br />MnDOT roads, which are in dire need of additional funding. This constitutional amendment would allow <br />the citizens of the State of Minnesota the opportunity to vote on this issue. City staff included a draft <br />resolution of support for consideration by Council. This issue was tabled at the meeting of February 21, <br />2006 directing staff to submit a letter to local legislators soliciting their opinions regarding this matter. City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson reported that state legislative leaders Michele Bachmann and Ray Vandeveer <br />agree with the City in its apprehension of the amendment. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter and direct staff to invite a representative from <br />AMM to appear before Council to discuss this matter. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />