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City Council meeting of April 3, 2006 <br />Page 6 <br />DISCUSSION ON ACQUISITION OF HANCOCK HOUSE (a, 5583147TH STREET FOR <br />COUNTY LIBRARY <br />CD Director Bryan Bear and CD Intern Rachel Simone met with Terry and Angela Hancock on March <br />20, 2006, to discuss the City possibly buying their house for the proposed library site as shown in the <br />downtown plan. At the EDA meeting of March 20, 2006, Bryan gave an overview to the EDA of <br />property location and information of the proposed library site. The EDA discussed the matter and <br />recommended that City staff evaluate financing and property acquisition priorities, and to report to <br />Council and EDA with findings. The EDA discussed that the properties across TH61 from City Hall are <br />a first priority, but feel that the City should still look into buying the Hancock property, if the funding is <br />available. City staff requested direction from the Council on whether the possible acquisition of the <br />Hancock property should move forward. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to decline the offer to consider the offer and to notify the <br />Hancocks and the EDA as soon as possible. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON GUSSET DESIGN PROPERTY ON TH61(RICK BURR) <br />Rick Burr sent the City a letter stating that he would like to expand his existing business, Gusset Design <br />Inc. at 15587 Forest Blvd. The property is zoned Commercial but the building use is industrial. The <br />structure was built before the zoning change to Commercial District, so it is allowed to remain. The City <br />Municipal Code states that he is not allowed to expand because the use is nonconforming to the current <br />zoning. At the EDA meeting on March 20, 2006, staff gave an overview of the actions that Rick Burr <br />was requesting and gave some possible solutions to the issue. The property is surrounded by residential <br />zoning and there is a possibility the area could be redeveloped. The EDA discussed the possible <br />solutions and suggested a meeting with other property owners in the area. They also recommended that <br />Council set up a meeting with the other adjacent property owners to see how they feel about the zoning <br />changes and their future plans for the area. The meeting would include two EDA members, two <br />Planning Commission members, and two City Council members. Staff recommended that Council set a <br />date for the meeting with the affected property owners. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to accept the EDA's recommendation and schedule a meeting with <br />the other adjacent property owners. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Hass made motion, Puleo seconded, to have Mayor Miron and Council Member Granger represent the <br />Council at this meeting. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON SPEED LIMIT IN VICTOR GARDENS (MIKE WARNER) <br />Mayor Fran Miron was contacted by resident Mike Warner from the Victor Gardens neighborhood. He <br />