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2006.08.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.08.07 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 7, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF NON- <br />CONFORMING BUSINESS <br />Rick Burr sent the City a letter stating that he would like to expand his existing business, Gusset Design <br />Inc. located at 15587 Forest Blvd. The property is zoned Commercial but the building use is Industrial. <br />The structure was built before the zoning changed to a Commercial District so it is allowed to remain. <br />According to the City Municipal Code, it states that the business is not allowed to expand because the <br />use is nonconforming to the current zoning. This issue was brougbt to the EDA and City Council and <br />both suggested having a meeting with the surrounding property owners to determine what their thoughts <br />were on rezoning the properties back to industrial. Almost all property owners stated that they wanted to <br />keep the current commercial zoning. Staff brought this subject back to the Council at its June 5, 2006 <br />meeting and reported on the outcome of the meeting with the surrounding property owners. Council <br />directed staff to draft an ordinance text amendment to allow the expansion of legal non -conforming <br />commercial/industrial uses with a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission considered this <br />item at a public hearing on July 13, 2006 and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Ordinance 2006405 approving an amendment to City Code to allow <br />expansion of legal nonconforming commercial/industrial uses with a CUP. <br />APPROVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL PLAT FOR ONEKA LAKE <br />TOWNHOMES <br />Oneka Lake Townhomes LLC requested approval of a final plat and development agreement for "Oneka <br />Lake Townhomes" consisting of 30 townhome units on 6.7 acres located north of 150h Street and east of <br />Highway 61. The final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat that was approved on February 21, <br />2006. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved adoption of Resolution 2006-39 approving the final <br />plat and development agreement for Oneka Lake Townhomes. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW WORKER MIKE LOEFFLER <br />Mike Loeffler was hired as one of the new public works worker on August 5, 2002. Over the past four <br />years, Mike has developed into an excellent public works worker, skilled in all areas of the public works <br />department, especially in the operation of the motor grader. Mike has an excellent work ethic and a "can <br />do attitude". Mike communicates well with others and is a valued member of the public works team. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review forMike Loeffler. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW WORKER DAVE GREEDER <br />The City hired Dave Greeder as the new public works mechanic on August 8, 2005. Over the past year, <br />Dave has worked diligently to set up the equipment and vehicle maintenance program for public works <br />vehicles and the Fire Department's fire trucks. Dave is a skilled mechanic with an excellent work ethic, <br />and a quick study for working in other areas of the public works department as needed. Due to Dave's <br />mechanical skill and ability, the City has saved thousands of dollars that would otherwise be spent at <br />private and specialty mechanic shops. Dave is a trusted and valued member of the public works <br />department. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Dave <br />Greeder. <br />
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