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City Council meeting of August 21, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH <br />VILLAGE 2"D ADDITION <br />David Bernard Builders and Developers Company (Rottlund Homes) requested the City reduce the letter <br />of credit being held for the newly constructed public and private improvements in the Victor Garden <br />North Village 2"d Addition. The City would continue to hold a Letter of Credit in the amount equal to <br />125% of the cost of the work remaining to complete the improvements, or $76,875 for the <br />improvements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved reduction of the letter of credit being held for <br />the newly constructed public improvements in the Victor Garden North Village 2"d Addition to $76,875. <br />APPROVE CONTRACT WITH ARNT CONSTRUCTION FOR DEMOLITION OF HOUSE AT <br />5399 145STREET <br />At its August 7, 2006 meeting, Council approved the final purchase agreement for purchase of the <br />Schoeller house located at 5399 1450' Street and directed City staff to proceed with demolition of the <br />house. City staff received a total of four quotes for the demolition, which includes the asbestos and lead <br />abatement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the contract with Arnt Construction for <br />demolition of the house at 5399 145d' Street, at a low quote of $20,652. <br />APPROVE RESCHEDULING OF FIRST COUNCIL MEETING IN SEPTEMBER TO <br />SPETEMBER 5.2006 <br />The first meeting in September falls on the Labor Day Federal Holiday. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda moved the first Council meeting in September to Tuesday, September 5, 2006 at 7:00 pm. <br />APPROVE RESCIND OF CUP FOR HAMPEL PROPERTY <br />The Hampel family requested that the Council rescind a CUP that was previously approved for their <br />property at 5075 1244 Street. The CUP was approved to allow for an addition to an accessory building. <br />Due to changes to the City's zoning regulations, the accessory building is now allowed on the property <br />without a CUP. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved adoption of Resolution 2006-46 rescinding <br />the CUP for the Hampel property located at 5075 124d' Street North. <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND REDUCTION OF LETTER <br />OF CREDIT FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH VILLAGE <br />CPDC requested the City accept the constructed public improvements for the Victor Garden North <br />Village. Acceptance of the improvements would begin a one-year warranty period. At the end of one <br />year, the project would be considered complete and maintenance activities would become the <br />responsibility of the City. The developer also requested a reduction to their LOC being held for the <br />public improvements to the minimum of 10% of the original amount. The City would continue to hold a <br />LOC in the amount equal to 10% of the cost of the improvements or $136,756 for the improvements <br />during the one-year period. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved acceptance of public <br />improvements and reduction in the Letter of Credit for Victor Gardens North Village. <br />