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City Council meeting of September 18, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />for her 4 %s years of work on the Parks Commission, as well as her leadership as Chair and authorized <br />staff to advertise for the vacancy. PW Director Chris Petree solicited interest from the remaining <br />member on the Commission as to their interest in serving as chair, and Vice Chair Pete Pedersen has <br />agreed to serve in that interim capacity until such time as Council appoints a new Chair. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR DON HAUBLE AT 5490125TH ST. <br />Donald Hauble, 5490 125d' Street North, requested a property line adjustment to move the common <br />property line between his property and the property to the east owned by Gary Mulcahy. This would <br />result in a 5.17 acre parcel and a 22.28 acre parcel. The properties are located in the R-3 Zoning District <br />where the minimum lot size is 10,400 square feet; both properties are currently in compliance and would <br />remain in compliance with City Code. Adoption of the Consent approved adoption of Resolution 2006- <br />54 approving the property line adjustment for Hauble and Mulcahy. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO <br />SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AT 53" 14511HSTREET <br />At its August 21, 2006 meeting, Council awarded a contract to Arnt Construction for the demolition of <br />the former Schoeller house at 5399 145'h Street. As part of the purchase agreement, the Schoeller family <br />agreed to let the City inspect the house as part of the inspection of buildings being considered in the <br />proposed tax increment financing district. The inspection report indicates the building to be substandard <br />and it qualifies for inclusion in the TIF District. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved adoption of <br />Resolution 2006-55 making certain findings with respect to substandard buildings at 5399 145'' Street. <br />REQUEST FROM RCWD FOR CITY APPOINTMENT ON CITIZEN ADVISORY <br />COMMITTEE <br />The City received notice from the Rice Creek Watershed District requesting the City to select a citizen <br />with a broad range of interests to serve on a Citizen's Advisory Committee. CD Director Bryan Bear <br />stated that volunteers serving on the Committee assist in the process of updating the district's <br />Comprehensive Water Management Plan. <br />Granger made motion, Miron seconded, directing staff to contact Dave Schumann, Vince Niemczyk, and <br />John Waller soliciting interest for appointment to serve on the Watershed District's Citizen Advisory <br />Committee until such time as the City can make a permanent appointment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON WASHINGTON COUNTY PLANS TO RESURFACE CSAH 57 <br />The City was notified by the Washington County transportation staff that improvements to County Road <br />57 will occur next summer. Council member Chuck Haas and City Engineer Jay Kennedy had made <br />repeated requests to the County for the repair of the road, which is in very poor condition. Jay Kennedy <br />provided Council with an update of the specific repairs that will be made to the road. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to draft a letter to the Washington County Board, <br />