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2006.10.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.10.02 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of October 2, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />office spaces located at 5448 140th Street North. The property is located immediately north of Rick's <br />Liquor and North County Auto Body. The development would consist of one building totaling 8,200 <br />square feet with an associated parking lot with a fenced in play area in the back of the building. The <br />Planning Commission reviewed the site plan request for the proposed KidzPlace Childcare Center at its <br />September 14, 2006 meeting and unanimously recommends approval of the site plan. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved adoption of Resolution 2006-59 aFXroving the site plan for a proposed <br />childcare center and attached rental office spaces at 5448 140 Street. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR VICTOR GARDENS a ADDITION <br />Developer Pratt Homes has requested the City reduce the letter of credit being held for the newly <br />constructed public and private improvements in the Victor Garden 0 development. The City would <br />continue to hold a Letter of Credit in the amount equal to 10% of the total cost of the improvements, or <br />$104,977.11. The developer completed the wear course paving on this project and the City has accepted <br />the improvements. The one (1) year warranty for the improvements has begun and the City will continue <br />to hold a letter of credit until this warranty expires. Adoption of the Consent Agenda reduced the letter of <br />credit to $104,977.11 <br />Developer Centex Homes has requested the City accept the constructed public improvements for the <br />Heritage Ponds 2nd Addition. Acceptance of the public improvements would begin a one-year warranty <br />period. At the end of one year, the project would be considered complete and maintenance activities <br />would become the responsibility of the City. The City would continue to hold a Letter of Credit in the <br />amount equal to 25% of the original cost of the improvements during the one year warranty period. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved final acceptance of public improvements for Heritage Ponds <br />2"d Addition. <br />REQUEST FOR VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT AT 14189 FINALE (WALLER) <br />A public hearing was scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2006, on or after 7:00 pm, in order to take <br />public comment regarding the request from Alice Waller at 14189 Finale for vacation of a drainage <br />easement on the rear of her property. CD Director Bryan Bear explained that the RCWD has required <br />the easement when the plat was approved 11 years ago. The City of Hugo, as the Local Governing Unit <br />(LGU) must now interpret under Rule E whether the easement should be vacated. Mayor Miron and <br />Council members raised issues, including water quality, distance of the buffer, width of the easement, <br />and change in use to recreation. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing for any and all public <br />comment on the issue. Applicant Alice Waller stated that there is no need for the easement and it is a <br />poor law. John Waller provided a history of the easement requirement and concurred with his sister's <br />assessment that the easement is not needed. Adjoining property Marvin LaValle submitted a letter for <br />inclusion in the public record indicating his objection to vacation of the easement. The public hearing <br />was closed for Council discussion. City staff recommended Council deny the request for vacation of a <br />drainage easement as it relates to Branch 2 of JD3 as applicant had not demonstrated a need for the <br />vacation. Mayor Miron questioned whether an easement had been vacated for what appeared to be <br />construction in the easement on property north of the Waller property. Council member Mike Granger <br />
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