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City Council meeting of November 6, 2006 <br />Page 7 <br />RECOGNITION OF COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK HAAS AND SERVICE ON <br />METROPOLITAN COUNCIL WATER SUPPLY ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />As Council is aware, Council member Chuck Haas was appointed by Governor Tim Pawlenty in early <br />2006 to Metropolitan Council Water Supply Advisory Committee, on which he has served for the past <br />several months in order to develop a master water supply plan for consideration and adoption by the <br />Governor's office. Mayor Fran Miron recognized Chuck for his dedicated service on the committee and <br />the completion of its advisory work and draft master plan, which was completed last month. <br />REPORT ON SCHEDULING OF MEETING W/MET COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO <br />DISCUSS RURAL & OPEN PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />At its October 16, 2006 meeting, Council listened to an update on the work completed to date by the <br />Hugo Planning Commission on the proposed revisions on the rural and open space preservation <br />ordinance. CD Director Bryan Bear reported from the October 12, 2006 meeting, that Commission <br />member raised the potential conflict of the City's Metropolitan Council policy statement, the City's <br />current ordinance, and the need to have a public meeting with Met Council officials. Staff announced <br />that a meeting has been scheduled with the Hugo Planning Commission, Hugo City Council, and <br />Metropolitan Council representatives in January 2007. Because a large amount of staff time has been <br />devoted to this issue: <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to notify the Planning Commission that no rural <br />and open preservation ordinance discussion shall take place until after the meeting with the Metropolitan <br />Council in January 2007. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RULING FROM BOARD OF COMMISSION ON WAGNER PARTNERS LLC LAND <br />ACQUISITION FOR CSAH 8/14 PROJECT (EXECUTIVE SESSION) <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder reported to Council on the final ruling from the Board of Commissioners in <br />regard to the acquisition and valuation of land to be purchased from the Wagner Partners LLC for the <br />CSAH 8/!4 project. Mayor Fran Miron closed the Council meeting for the purpose of discussion the <br />agreement reached and the State Statute under which the City proceeded to work with Washington <br />County officials to set the valuation for the land acquired for the CSAH 8/14 project. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to recess the regular meeting and go into executive session. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder explained that the City of Hugo will not appeal the decision of the <br />Commissioner and their ruling on the valuation of the Wagner property. <br />