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City Council meeting of December 4, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF TIM LORINSER, TODD JONES, AND MARK KOLL AS <br />REGULAR FIREFIGHTERS WITH COMPLETION OF EMT AND FF1 CERTIFICATION <br />The City of Hugo appointed Tim Lorinser, Todd Jones, and Mark Koll as probationary firefighters two <br />years ago. Over the past two years, each of the firefighters has worked hard and trained under Section <br />13 of the HFD guidelines with extensive training in EMT and Firefighter 1 classes. All have <br />successfully completed the training earning them appointment them to regular firefighter status. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed Tim Lorinser, Todd Jones, and Mark Koll as regular <br />firefighters after having satisfactorily completed their EMT and Firefighter 1 certification training. <br />APPROVE EXTENSION OF INTERNSHIP FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN MATT <br />STEMWEDEL <br />Matt Stemwedel was hired as an administrative intern with the City on May 15, 2006. Over the past six <br />months, Matt has worked on a variety of projects, including the very successful Centennial Celebration <br />to celebrate the City's 100 -year history. There are a number of projects, including the recodification of <br />City ordinances, which Matt is coordinating and working on which need dedicated staff time. Malt's <br />graduate work at the U of M Humphrey Institute is requiring more hours of him but he seeks an <br />extension of his internship to an amount of 20 to 30 hours per week. City Administrator Mike Ericson <br />and City Clerk Mary Ann Creager reviewed with Finance Director Ron Otkin that there are additional <br />intern budget dollars for the position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda extended the internship of Matt <br />Stemwedel to May 15, 2007. <br />APPROVE CUP COMPLIANCE REVIEW FOR BALD EAGLE SPORTSMAN ASSN. <br />The Bald Eagle Sportsman Association (BESA) has a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a gun <br />club on property located at 6557 125' Street. The CUP is to be reviewed by staff prior to December 1 st <br />of the even -numbered years, or if the CUP is amended or violated. At its August 21, 2006 meeting, <br />Council amended the CUP to have condition number 20 refer to a site plan dated July 13, 2006, to <br />include bathrooms that are planned to be installed. At that time, an inspection for CUP compliance had <br />not been completed. On November 11, 2006 staff completed an inspection of the BESA site for <br />compliance with their CUP and found it to be in satisfactory compliance. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved CUP compliance for the BESA. <br />APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR BALD <br />EAGLE LAKE <br />For many years, the City has participated in supplemental law enforcement coverage on Bald Eagle <br />Lake. The coverage is from January 1 to December 31, 2007 that includes a total not to exceed 160 <br />hours for winter patrol coverage, at a cost of services to the City for year 2007 not to exceed $1,600. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Supplemental Law Enforcement Agreement with the <br />Ramsey County Sheriff s Department for enforcement on Bald Eagle Lake. <br />APPROVE REAPPOINTMENT OF JAN ARCAND AND FRAN MIRON TO THE EDA <br />On December 31, 2006, the terms of Economic Development Authority (EDA) members Janice Arcand <br />