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City Council meeting of December 18, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />fighting equipment to serve rural Hugo. <br />APPROVE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE AT HUGO AMERICAN LEGION (WBL <br />GIRLS' FAST PITCH ASSOCIATION) <br />The WBL Girls' Fast Pitch Association applied for a charitable gambling license for approval of pull tab <br />and raffle activities at the Hugo American Legion. City staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for <br />the WBL Girls' Fast Pitch Association allowing it to conduct pull tab and raffle activities at the Hugo <br />American Legion. <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS CHARLES <br />KIRK <br />Charles Kirk was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission in 2003. For the past three years, <br />Charles has been an active and involved parks commissioner working toward the construction of new <br />parks. Unfortunately, his work obligations have changed and he has submitted a letter of resignation to <br />the City at his position on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the resignation of Charles Kirk from the Parks and Recreation Commission and authorized <br />staff to advertise for the vacancy. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING 2007 CITY EMPLOYEE SALARIES <br />At its October 3, 2006 budget workshop, Council agreed with the proposed 2007 City budget and <br />recommendations for City salaries, with an overall target increase of less than 5%. Finance Director Ron <br />Otkin and City Administrator Mike Ericson prepared the proposed 2007 City wages and salaries, which <br />reflect an overall increase of 4.9%. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2006-71 <br />approving the 2007 City employee wages and salaries schedule as presented. <br />APPROVE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING 2007 CITY FEE SCHEDULE <br />Each year in December, Council, upon recommendation from the finance department, adopts a new fee <br />schedule that incorporates any necessary adjustment in fees for the upcoming year. Finance Director <br />Ron Otkin worked with City staff to make adjustments to the 2007 City fee schedule. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Ordinance 2006406 adopting the 2007 City fee schedule. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTIONS ADOPTING 2007 CITY BUDGET AND CITY TAX LEVY <br />At the December 4, 2006 Truth in Taxation hearing, Council directed the Finance Department to find <br />additional adjustments to the budget and tax levy to further cushion the tax impact on residents brought <br />about by increasing property market values. Staff thoroughly reviewed the budget and identified <br />approximately $83,500 in adjustments, of which $41,180 is directed toward tax reduction, resulting in a <br />2% reduction in the urban tax rate to 35.111% of tax capacity. The remaining $42,320 in budget <br />reductions will be directed to general fund reserves. Staff feels that the final budget document accurately <br />reflects the true cost of operations; as such, staff recommends adoption of the 2007 budget and tax levy <br />resolutions. <br />