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City Council meeting of December 18, 2006 <br />Page 5 <br />DISCUSSION ON 2008 CITY OF HUGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />CD Director Bryan Bear presented Council with the components and scheduled plan for the City of <br />Hugo's comprehensive plan updates, as required by the Metropolitan Council by 2008. Council <br />emphasized the need to have public input in this new plan. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the outline for implementation of the City's new <br />Comprehensive Plan and accept the recommendation of CD Director Bryan Bear to complete the <br />process. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule a joint meeting of the City Council, Planning <br />Commission, and Park Commission for January 25, 2007 at 7:00 pm, to discuss implementation of the <br />City's new Comprehensive Plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REPORT ON NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ON 129TH STREET P.I. PROJECT <br />At its December 4, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />regarding the proposed 129' Street public improvement project. Jay informed Council that due to poor <br />soils, an innovative pipe design was proposed to the property owners, which would allow the extension <br />of municipal services into the area immediately adjacent to 129' Street and Bald Eagle Lake. Jay <br />reported that he would need to hold a neighborhood meeting in order to properly inform, and get <br />feedback from, adjacent property owners. On December 14, 2006, City staff held a meeting with <br />neighbors regarding the project and City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided Council with the outcome from <br />the meeting. Residents requested that Council consider offering them a five-year "grace period" in <br />which to connect to City sewer and Council agreed to consider requests on a case-by-case basis. Any <br />easements that were previously secured for this proposed project would be vacated by Council. No <br />formal Council action was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON TERM OF JIM LEROUX ON RCWD BOARD OF MANAGERS AND <br />SELECTION OF REPLACEMENT <br />The City was informed by Washington County that the term of Jim Leroux on the RCWD Board of <br />Managers will expire on January 17, 2007. City staff has been informed by Manager Leroux that he will <br />retire from his work on the Board, which has created a vacancy. The manager position is appointed by <br />Washington County with a recommendation list from Hugo. Currently, three Hugo residents serve on <br />the RCWD water advisory committee, John Waller, Vince Niemczyk, and Dave Schumann. All have <br />been informed of the pending vacancy and Dave Schumann and John Waller have expressed their <br />interest in serving on the Board. Consistent with Washington County policy, the Hugo City Council <br />must submit a list of any and all names of residents interested in serving on the Board, with final <br />appointment by the Washington County Board. <br />