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City Council meeting of January 14, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />adjournment of the meeting maybe 11:30 a.m. Council Member Puleo asked that there not be an <br />early adjournment because he would like to see resolution of the items on the agenda today. <br />Manager Haake withdrew her second to the motion. <br />Manager Aiken withdrew his motion. <br />Motion by Manager Haake, seconded by Manager Aiken, to adjourn the meeting by 11:30 a.m. <br />Motion Carried 5-0. <br />REVIEW RCWD BOARD ACITON FROM JANUARY 12.2005 <br />Administrator Hobbs summarized the Board meeting of January 12, 2005 where the Board passed a <br />motion to reconsider their 12/15/04 JD2, but delay any action on the motion until today's meeting <br />(1/ 14/04). He also referred to a resolution that was drafted by RCWD and City of Hugo staff. This <br />resolution was made available to the Board at their 1/12/05 meeting, but no action was taken at that <br />time. <br />Manager Haake asked District Counsel Smith that if the Board tables the motion to reconsider could <br />we still proceed with the agenda and bring it up later in the meeting. <br />District Counsel Smith replied that it is not necessary to table it. They can just proceed with the <br />agenda and bring it up at a later time in the meeting. <br />REVIEW AND ADOPT PROPOSED RESOLUTION <br />Mr. Pete Willenbring, Water Resource Engineer from WSB, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the <br />history of JD2. Mr. Willenbring pointed out that the City and District still have different legal <br />opinions on wetland drainage and property rights, if the watershed district stays with the 12/15/04 <br />motion the City may have to utilize the court system. Mr. Willenbring stated that Hugo and RCWD <br />staff had been working over the past two weeks to develop a resolution and to suggest two <br />alternatives for the City and the RCWD to follow, with Alternative 2 being the suggestion of <br />Administrator Hobbs late in the afternoon of 1/13/04 during a conversation with Hugo staff. [Both <br />alternatives were shown in the PowerPoint presentation and left on the screen for the remainder of <br />the meeting]. President Cardinal's opinion was to rescind the 12/15/04 motion and start over with <br />new resolution and work with the City. <br />Manager Haake asked that the City explain their concerns regarding the resolution. Mayor Miron <br />replied that he could not support the resolution but he would like to discuss the additional two <br />alternatives that the City had included in their PowerPoint presentation. Alternative 1 -Support <br />implementation of on-going annual maintenance per the Blue Ribbon Task Force direction, and <br />rescind 12/15/04 RCWD action for specified period of time or indefinitely. <br />Alternative 2 -Selection Option 4 per the 10/29/04 Engineer's Report and 12/15/04 findings, do not <br />rescind RCWD action, but work with Hugo, and if, Hugo drainage needs not addressed, agree that <br />RCWD will petition itself within three years to undertake renewed ditch repair proceedings. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder explained the City's position regarding the resolution and that it would <br />not be acceptable because of drainage rights question. If the District does not agree to the City's <br />