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All aye. Motion Carried. <br />City Council meeting of March 21, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />CSAH 8/14 PROJECT UPDATE AND STATUS OF COUNTY ROADS (DON THEISEN) <br />At its March 7, 2005 meeting, Council member Chuck Haas requested an update on the status and <br />condition of county roads in rural Hugo, as well as a status update on CSAH 8/14 project. Washington <br />County Engineer Don Theisen and Washington County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg were present and <br />provided Council with an overview and update on the condition of county roads in rural Hugo, in <br />particular CR57, as well as the CSAH 8/14 project. <br />ONEKA PARKWAY CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL <br />At a November 3, 2004 workshop, Council was presented with the feasibility study for Oneka Parkway <br />and over the past two months, City staff, along with Council members Mike Granger and Frank Puleo, <br />has continued to meet with representatives from Pulte Homes regarding the construction of the '/+ mile of <br />Oneka Parkway and its connection to CSAH 8. On March 15, 2005, City staff and Council members <br />again met with officials from Pulte Homes to continue discussions on construction proposals. City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a proposal for construction of the remainder of Oneka Parkway in 2005, <br />as well as how the project will be funded. No formal Council action was taken. <br />2004 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT <br />Building Official John Benson and the building department prepared its 2004 annual report and activities <br />over the past year. CD Director Bryan Bear provided a PowerPoint presentation which provided an <br />excellent overview of the department's activities, as well as highlights and accomplishments. There will <br />be a marked increase in the housing permits in 2005. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Renewal for Optional Liquor 2 AM Closing (Sal's) <br />Approve Reappointment of Jennifer May to the Parks Commission <br />Approve On Sale Liquor License for Northstar Gay Rodeo (July 2-3, 2005) <br />Authorize Purchase of Lawn Mower Trailer for PW Department <br />Approve Hiring of Dan LaCasse as Summer Seasonal Employee in Public Works <br />Approve Advertising for Three Seasonal Public Works Employees <br />Approve Probationary Period for Tim Kieffer and Appoint as Regular Employee <br />Approve Probationary Period for Paul Christianson and Appoint as Regular Employee <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for March 21, 2005 as presented. <br />