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2005.04.18 CC Minutes - Joint EDA Meeting
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City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.04.18 CC Minutes - Joint EDA Meeting
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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT EDA/CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 18, 2005 <br />Mayor Miron called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />STAFF: City Administrator Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, and Intern Tom Denaway <br />EDA PRESENT: Janice Arcand, Theresa Charpentier. Phil Klein, Nick Skarich, Jim Bever, Mike <br />Granger, and Fran Miron <br />EDA MEETING OF MARCH 21, 2005 <br />Granger made motion, Klein, to approve the March 21, 2005 EDA meeting minutes as presented. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON MEETING OF BEIP SUBCOMMITTEE <br />At its last meeting, the EDA directed the BEIP Subcommittee to prepare and distribute Requests for <br />Proposals for the development of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. The RFP has been <br />posted on the Minnesota Commercial Realtors Property Database and the League of Minnesota's <br />webpage, additionally the RFP was mailed to a list of 56 developers. CD Director Bear provided the <br />Board with an update on this project. <br />CDBG SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING WITH COMMISSIONER HEGBERG <br />At its last meeting the EDA directed staff to schedule a meeting with the CDBG subcommittee, <br />Washington County Commissioner Hegberg, and Citizen Advisory committee member Bo Bogatty. On <br />April 14, 2005, they met City staff, Mayor Miron, EDA Vice President Phil Klein, and Jane Harper from <br />the county. Jane informed the group that there were numerous excellent projects this year, more than ever <br />before. Mayor Miron agreed that it was important to meet to bring the county up-to-date on the City's <br />project and focus on downtown redevelopment. <br />PRESENTATION FROM SPRINGSTED INC. ON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING <br />At its last meeting, the EDA directed staff to schedule a joint City Council/EDA workshop with the City's <br />Financial Advisor Springsted, Inc., and the City's bond counsel Briggs and Morgan, to discuss the use of <br />Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Paul Steinman and Mikaela Huot of Springsted and Mary Ippel of Briggs <br />and Morgan presented Council and the EDA with a PowerPoint presentation explaining TIF and they <br />answered questions. City Staff is seeking Council and EDA direction regarding the use of TIF. Mary <br />Ippel explained the merits of an interfund loan resolution. <br />Granger made motion, Bever seconded, to recommend this to the Council at its next meeting. <br />EDA - All aye. Motion Carried. <br />After continued discussion about the merits of creating a TIP District, Council and EDA agreed to appoint <br />a TIF Subcommittee: <br />
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