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City Council meeting of September 6, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the Scope of Services proposal from Landform for <br />multi -family design guidelines, in the amount of $11,110, and pursue grant funding for the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM MAXFIELD RESEARCH FOR MARKET RESEARCH FOR <br />DOWNTOWN <br />As part of the grant received by the City from the Metropolitan Council for the redevelopment plan for <br />downtown Hugo, the development of a market study was included. This study is the third and final <br />phase of the grant application made by the City and is necessary to determine the viability for the <br />marking of the goods and services planned for the downtown area. City staff met recently with <br />representatives from Maxfield Research, who is well recognized as the preeminent leader and authority <br />in the Twin Cities' area for development of market studies. The proposal would allow Maxfield <br />Research to conduct a market research study to analyze and quantify the retail, office, and housing <br />market potential for downtown Hugo. The analysis would be completed for an amount of $23,500, <br />which is below the grant application estimate of $30,000. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the study proposal from Maxfield Research, Inc. for <br />development of a downtown market research study for the City, in an amount not to exceed $23,500. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST TO DEPOSIT AQUATIC VEGETATION ON CITY PROPERTY ON SUNSET <br />LAKE <br />Staff has been informed by residents of Sunset Lake, through its homeowners' association, that they <br />would like to deposit aquatic vegetation on City property located at Homestead Dr. N. & 125' St. N. and <br />the former lake access located at the north end of Homestead Dr. N. instead of trucking it to the City's <br />compost site. As Council is aware, the public access on Sunset Lake was closed more than three years <br />ago, thereby cutting off any public access or public use. PW Director Chris Petree was not comfortable <br />with the request and recommended that vegetation continue to be trucked to the City's compost site on <br />170' Street. Council member Granger felt that this was going to be an ongoing issue and suggested <br />residents provide a vegetation management plan to address future concerns. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to table this request to allow the homeowners association an <br />opportunity to provide a vegetation management plan for Council consideration, which includes <br />addressing phosphorous runoff into Sunset Lake. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RCWD SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 31.2005 REGARDING PROPOSED INSTALL OF <br />WEIR ON RICE LAKE <br />City staff was informed by the Rice Creek Watershed District that a special meeting had been scheduled <br />for August 31, 2005 to discuss the installation of a control structure in JD2 to raise the water level in <br />