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City Council meeting of September 19, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />approval of an ordinance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Ordinance 2005-398 for the <br />rezoning of Grangers Auto Body from CR -3 to C-1. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW EMPLOYEE TIM KIEFFER <br />Tim Kieffer was hired by the City on September 22, 2004. Over the past year, Tim has worked very <br />hard and has established himself as a valued member of the public works team, with his ability to <br />perform all public works duties. Tim is dependable, conscientious, and a skilled employee. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Tim Kieffer. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR PW EMPLOYEE PAUL <br />CHRISTIANSON <br />Paul Christianson was hired by the City on September 22, 2004. Over the past year, Paul has worked <br />hard in all areas of the public works department. Paul is thorough, a hard worker and valued member of <br />the public works team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for <br />Paul Christianson. <br />APPROVE RELEASE OF GRADING LETTER OF CREDIT FOR HERITAGE PONDS <br />The developer for Heritage Ponds residential subdivision requested a release of the letter of credit for <br />grading of Heritage Ponds. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson reviewed the request and <br />found it to be consistent with the completion of the grading for the installation of public improvements. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the release of the letter of credit from developer Len Pratt for <br />the grading on Heritage Ponds. <br />APPROVE REAPPOINTMENT OF SMITH SCHAFER AS THE CITY'S AUDITOR <br />In 2001, the City solicited Requests for Proposals for City auditing services and Smith Schafer & <br />Associates was the low bidder and selected from six auditing firms by Council. Over the past three <br />years, Smith Schafer has provided excellent auditing services for the City, most recently, the conversion <br />to the GASB 34 accounting model. The finance department solicited a three-year extension from Smith <br />Schafer with a fee less than those submitted by the other firms three years ago. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the reappointment of Smith Schafer & Associates as the City's auditor for the next <br />three years. <br />PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF WAGE AND JOB GOALS W/HUGO LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />In 2001, Council entered into an agreement with Hugo Land Development d/b/a Minnesota Union <br />Builders for the construction of a 94,000 sq ft facility and creation of some 70 jobs. In 2003, Minnesota <br />Union Builders went bankrupt and the holding company, Hugo Land Development LLC was left with a <br />building and property, which is in the process of being sold to 84 Lumber from Pennsylvania. <br />Consistent with the tax increment financing plan for the BEIP, which involves wages and job goals, <br />Council must consider an amendment to the plan to reflect the actual creation of jobs by Minnesota <br />Union Builders. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing at which the public was invited to provide <br />any and all comments regarding the proposed amendment to the wage and job goals. There were no oral <br />